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                Heal For The Honey

She was the child of the Tardis. Of course he'd fall in love with her.

She was like a new planet he'd landed on by accident (which is happening more than he'd like to admit) that he never seems to stop learning about. Just when he thinks he's gotten down to the last detail another piece of wonder and excitement would burst from beneath her skin.

River Song, the woman he knew so little about is still an enigma to be reckoned with. She was a riddle that would unfold right in front his eyes because he never missed anything and he certainly didn't miss anything when it came to her.

Like the Tardis, she was clever like the old girl. She was the living proof of a birth time itself could possess. And she looked absolutely ravishing in blue.

He remembers a few nights after their wedding she popped up inside the Tardis with a royal blue evening gown, gun in her hand and breathless. This River wasn't so young, she was well past the firsts in their relationship,and she was chasing off a few Daleks. Of all the things in the world to come across. They only retreated after recognizing who she was.

That he would never figure out. How the epitome of hate and fearlessness would back down to no one but his wife. Then again, she was River Song.

So, as he was recalling, she popped up hello sweetie tumbling from her lips looking more than pleased. Smug and delighted.

Doctor, stop staring.

Oh, the glint in her eye as she teased him.

He was held flustered at his ogling and scratched his cheek nervously before presenting her with a smile of his own.

"Aren't you going to ask what in the world I am doing in a planet full of Daleks?" She called back as she took off her heels and headed into the Tardis to their room (yes, their room).

"I assume you have no reason other than to scare the living daylights out of me.” He shouted to her retreated form.

“Worry me to death you will, River Song." he mumbled, only for the sake of himself.

She wandered back soon enough, the bottom of her long blue gown held in small bunches around her thigh. He swallowed a thick lump in his throat at the sight of her lovely, beautiful legs.

"Dammit! Another dress ruined." She offered the dress and its torn fabric for him to see, which in turn led to more leg showing.

"Uh, right. That can be fixed right up."

"Sweetie, that was an offering for me taking it off." She spoke ever so casually.

Again he was caught in a fluster.

She laughed. The sound musical and made the Tardis radiate with joy.

The Doctor smiled. His two girls, so joined and similar.

"Doctor?" River blinked, her eyes dangerously seductive.

"Hmm?" is what he managed.

"May I borrow your bowtie?"

"For what?" His hand landed on his beloved piece of fabric, fearing she would try to shoot it or burn it or worse and he'd have to get another one.

"So I can wear it." She purred.

He himself flush. "I, um, I…"

"Words, Doctor." She teased.

"If you really wish."

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