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He is practically giddy when he knocks on her door, eager to see this fireball who has made his life so very interesting. He had let her alone after dropping her off after Berlin, waiting for her to get settled down in university, but after two weeks, he could hardly sit still. River is all new, exciting, electric, and he's sure he will spontaneously combust from just being near her.

    River pulled open the door, eyes widening in surprise at him standing there, but she recovered quickly, always careful to never show emotion. He pushed past her and gathered her in his arms, his mouth closing over hers. She melted into his kiss for a moment, before pulling away.

    "What was that for?" she asked, smiling a little.

    "I've come from Berlin not two weeks ago. I really wanted to see you."

    "Why would you want to see me?" River said. "I killed you, and I put people in danger. Why would you want anything to do with me?"

    "Because you didn't kill me, and you are amazing and beautiful, and I want everything to do with you River Song. My Melody Pond." He bopped her nose. River shifted uncomfortably, unused to this sort of adoration. And then they are kissing, all teeth and tongues, and he is not quite sure how it happened, but then he is pushing her against the TARDIS doors and he decides that he simply doesn't care. They nearly fall over on the steps, but all that is thankfully avoided. Not here, in the console room. Oh, later, they would, but not now. Not for this.

    They finally got to his room, his jacket and her leggings lost somewhere between here and the console room. River pulled back as he fumbled with the lock, lips red and swollen from his kissing and her hair mussed beyond all repair. The door finally clicked open and and he pulled her inside, one arm locked around her waist and one hand cupping her arse. He set River on the bed and toed off his boots.

    "Doctor," River said. "I can't do this." He stopped abruptly.

    "I'm trained to kill you. What if I actually do this time? What if I hurt you?"

    "You won't hurt me River," he said, pulling the knot on his bowtie.

    "But I'm afraid I will."

    "No, you won't, because you are free of them. And I'll show you that."

    He pulled her shirt over her head and her knickers down to her ankles, pushing her backwards on the bed. The Doctor gave her the filthiest look as he tied her hands to the headboard, pressing his weight onto her. He felt her tense underneath him, muscles tightening.

    "Doctor, let me go," River said, testing the knot that secured her wrists.

    "River this is my whole point," he said, pulling her bottom lip between his teeth, snogging her senseless before sitting back on his heels. "You are in control."

    River was about to protest, but then his mouth closed on her breast and it didn't seem to matter. The Doctor used every trick he knew to get her to react, biting down on her nipple and swirling his tongue around the edge, but River remained still as a statue, barely even moaning. Her older self would be cursing his name and writhing under his tongue, but this River is brand new, with her training not yet broken. She is so new, he can taste the regeneration energy crackling and popping under her skin. He moved over to the other breast, his hands ghosting down her body, hardly touching her. Now that got a reaction, causing her to arch a little more under his touch, but she still wasn't moaning.

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