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I couldn't face the day today. I watched the clock on her bedside table as the minutes ticked on and didn't even try to get up. I could smell her bare skin in my mind, see the way her eyes lit up when the handcuffs came out...I spent a good hour imagining she was singing in the shower as I lay in bed still, and that we had a quiet cup of tea in the library together. Those days were always the best ones. Just she and I doing nothing and everything all at once. Some days are harder than others, but today is always the worst. It's been seven years to the day. Seven years since the night I said goodbye to my River Song for the last time. God, I miss her.

The Doctor turned over in his bed and tossed his diary onto the floor carelessly before leaning back and hugging his pillow tight against his face.

Should I believe in some sort of afterlife? If I do will she be there waiting for me? No. I was an idiot and stuck her into a computer where I can never get her back.

He yelled in frustration and threw the pillow across the room, sending objects flying. Tears slid down his cheeks as he pulled the covers over his head. In his mind, he could hear the door open and close and the sound of her footsteps crossing to the closet, just as they always had after a long day of work. She would slip off her heels and change clothes, then climb into bed and gently slide her pinky into his before drifting off into a peaceful slumber. He could almost feel the bed move as she climbed in and laced her pinky in his.

If only....


Sunlight poured through the window and aroused the Doctor from his sleep. He slid a hand through his hair and let out a long sigh. It was a new day and he probably had work to do.

He opened his eyes and nearly yelled.

Someone was in the bed with him.

Frantically he raced through his memory for any recollection of someone even being on the TARDIS the night before. He quickly realized that was impossible. It was just him. It was always just him.

He slowly pulled the blankets off of himself and tried to sit up, but something was wrong with his other hand. It was stuck to something. He glanced down and his eyes widened.

His pinky was wrapped around someone else's pinky. Panic and horror filled his heart. He was doing their thing with someone else. He pulled his pinky away quickly.

Blankets flew everywhere and a mess of curls shot out of bed. Before he even knew what was happening, he had a charged blaster aimed squarely at his hearts.

"God, sweetie! You scared me half to death! What's the fuss about?"

His jaw dropped and his mind went completely blank.

"You know I sleep with a blaster. You're supposed to wake me first so I don't think someone's--"

He managed to make a small squeak come out of his vocal chords.


He rubbed his eyes and blinked several times but the image before him didn't change.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?"

She knelt on the bed and crawled on her knees toward him with a worried expression. The Doctor watched her hand reach out to touch his face.

He gasped as he felt it on his cheek and his hand shot up and grabbed it.

"River. You're here." he whispered, praying it wasn't just a dream.

She tilted her head to the side and knit her eyebrows together. "Of course I'm here, my love. Where else would I be?"

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