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Turkish Delight on a Moonlit Night
Chapter 3
Chapter Text
It was almost two hours later when Rory, the Doctor and the three guards stood in a corner of the empty dinner car, save for Amy and River, curled up next to each other on the floor, both asleep. The passengers were all in their assigned rooms and they were splitting up the patrol shifts.

"Latif, Dalan and I will take first watch. We can alternate every two hours, sire." Constantine was proposing and the Doctor nodded absent-mindedly. "Raif is already with the last passenger. You two better get to your rooms." The Doctor nodded and clapped the other man on the shoulder before watching them exit the room to start their patrol. He and Rory looked over at River and Amy, fast asleep on the floor together.

"Doctor," Rory spoke hesitantly, and the Doctor glanced at him in question. "The whole Osiris thing - why exactly does everyone seem to think you and River are married?"

The Doctor laughed lightly, glancing over at River once more. "When the Ottoman Empire built their ship, it was unilaterally decided that only a select few religious monuments could be transferred. Time was limited and the world was dying, Rory. They decided to take the Egyptian pyramids, the Sphinx, and several temples, fully intact. As you can imagine, it was quite the undertaking. It's been two centuries for them, out there - on that ship with only those monuments, so the Egyptian gods and goddesses have made somewhat of a comeback. Thousands of years later, eh?" He smiled crookedly and turned back to Rory. "Isis was the goddess of fertility, motherhood and magic. She was married to Osiris - god of the dead."

"Oh." Rory nodded and then frowned. "But if she was the goddess of motherhood, why did they seem afraid of River? Because they thought she was behind the deaths? But why would they suspect her in the first place? I mean if she's everyone's mum wouldn't they love her?"

"Isis was loved greatly, by many." The Doctor explained with a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Osiris was tricked by his brother - sealed in a container and dropped in the Nile. Isis went mad with grief and was said to have travelled all of heaven and earth to find him. Eventually she did, and she brought him back to Egypt for a proper burial. But his brother discovered this, and in fit of rage chopped his body into pieces and scattered them across the land. Isis set out and found all but one, reassembled her husband and breathed life into him once more. They fear her because though she was a benevolent goddess, she would tear the world apart for her husband."

"Well that's rubbish. You can't breathe life into people. And how do you do it with all parts but one? I mean, which part could you do without?" Rory wondered aloud and the Doctor flushed, looking down and then away. "Oh - oh." Rory's hands hovered near his waist and he grimaced. "Poor bloke. Think I'd rather stay dead personally." They both paused at that and the Doctor giggled, a high pitched sound. Soon enough Rory chuckled too and they were both laughing. After a moment, Rory sobered. "We should get them to bed."

The Doctor nodded and they both moved over to stand above the two women. Rory picked Amy up with ease, and looked at the Doctor. "Will you need help? I mean... you just - well, you're - you don't look like-"

"Timelords are far stronger than humans, Rory Pond. And don't you forget it. Besides I carried her earlier!" The Doctor shook a finger in Rory's direction and Rory shifted Amy higher in his arms and shot an apologetic glance over to him.

"Well yes, but you were... panicked. Alright then - I'll be off." He moved to leave and the Doctor emitted a high-pitched squeak, flapping his arms and Rory turned back. "What is it?"

"Aren't the girls going to sleep together?!" The Doctor whispered in a rush and Rory stared at him for a moment.


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