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in going twice around the tree

She wiped the lipstick from her mouth and waited for the smoke from her vortex manipulator to clear. Her white dress still fluttered around her knees and she giggled to herself, thinking of how she'd just married her husband.


A Hollywood party in 1952, and he'd been dressed to the nines, saving Christmas and her parents, and she'd just happened to have her hallucinogenic lipstick - really - how was a girl to resist? He was just so adorable young, all flustered and red-cheeked and anxiously willing when it came to kissing her.


And really - marrying him long before he'd married her had a delicious sort of sense to it. Well, as much sense as one could get in their turned around timelines. She hummed as she unstrapped her manipulator from her wrist, shaking her hair out and giggling over his poor predicament. She'd call him later - just to really rub it in. The TARDIS would be sure she got the right him - she always did.

"And what are you so pleased about, my bad girl?" His voice startled her and she whirled around, a hand clutched to her chest as she noticed him, leaning against her cell bars - still wide open from her break out to go have a little fun. It had been the first Christmas in so very long that he'd not shown up to whisk her away, and the idea of spending it in her cell had been unbearable. Running into his younger self had made it seem like destiny. Obviously she was supposed to be there, then. An unorthodox Christmas with her Doctor - but with him none the less. "Or should I call you Marilyn?" he lifted his brows as he took in the dress, a smile curling at the edge of his mouth.

Despite his teasing, and the grin - he looked different. Wearier than she'd ever seen him, perhaps, and it made her hearts melt as she moved closer to him. "Well, a River by any other name, sweetie," she opted to tease him back gently and his smile grew a bit as he looked at her.

"I still can't believe you did that to me," he scolded and she laughed, shrugging one shoulder without care. She sidled closer to him, reaching up to stroke at his bowtie gently. He looked down at her, his eyes warm with affection as she winked at him.

"Can you blame me?"

"Yes - you married me without permission, while I was drugged River," he laughed as he spoke and she pulled a face at him.

"Et tu, Doctor. Well you didn't drug me, but there was no asking involved on top of that pyramid." She arched a brow at him and he flushed, his eyes scolding her.

"You haven't even asked when I am yet River Song, you're old enough to know better," he spoke sternly and she laughed in delight, throwing her head back. When she looked at him again, he was watching her carefully, his eyes dark.

"How do you know I'm old enough to know better then?" she asked, her hands dropping to his lapels so she could pull herself close enough that her body was pressed against his. She tilted her head back to look up at him and he shook his head mutely. "Because - you recognise it in me. Just like I see it in you. Sometimes, my love, I can read your face like my diary," she ran a hand along his cheekbone, her fingers brushing his hair back behind his ear. She widened her fingers, spreading them apart until her thumb brushed by the corner of his eye and she looked at him carefully.

"Really?" his voice sounded dry and she nodded slowly as he turned his face and pressed a soft kiss to the center of her palm. He looked back at her, stubble scratching the skin of her hand, "What do you see?" he asked in a soft tone and she sighed.

"Sadness." She finally admitted and he held his breath for a moment before his arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer as he buried his face in her curls. She smoothed her hands across his shoulders, wrapping them around his back as she clung to him just as tightly. "Is there anything I can do, sweetie?" She asked softly as her hand smoothed over his hair and down his tweed covered back. He took a deep shuddering breath and she felt a negative shake of his head before he pulled back slightly, his eyes burning greenish gold as he looked down at her.

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