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Chapter 3: my doctor
Chapter Text
prompt: river x doctor, 18th or 19th century period drama

my doctor

“Is there a physician in the house?”

The Doctor sighed and waited a moment, as was proper, before pushing through the throng of people milling about the lobby in the direction the voice had called from. A footman eyed him nervously as he stopped before him. “I’m a surgeon. Might I be of assistance?” The footman hesitated, his eyes shooting beyond the Doctor’s shoulder for a moment before he nodded.

“Follow me, sir. The Lady Song has fallen into a fit – we are quite concerned.” The Doctor followed him to one of the boxes, curious. Lady Song was notorious in London. A widow who did as she pleased and yet somehow managed to escape society’s scathing. Everyone knew her, and discussed her, but no one dared speak anything untoward to her directly.

When he entered the box, he saw her in a heap on the floor, several upper class idiots hovering around and looking suitably shocked and scandalised. He knelt beside her, pressing a hand against her forehead and lifting her lids to peer at her pupils in the dim light. “You should clear the box,” he spoke in an aside to the footman hovering close by. “She’ll need the air.” No sooner had he spoken than it seemed as if the box was emptied as if by magic. He loosened her bodice considerably, his hands brushing against her skin intimately. She was as lovely as he’d heard – masses of magnificent curly hair, and her skin was pale and smooth. She had a wide, generous mouth and her cheeks were full. He thought she would probably have a lovely smile, though he couldn’t be sure. Her eyes fluttered open and she gasped, struggling to sit up.

“Calm down.” He spoke in a quiet voice, with a kind smile. “You fell unconscious – I’m a surgeon, I came from down below.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry to have bothered you, Doctor. I feel – well honestly a bit weak, but thank you for assisting me.” He helped lift her to her seat and she looked up at him, taking him in properly. “I don’t believe we’ve met...”

“Well we hardly would have, now would we Lady Song? Name’s Smith – John.”

“Such a common name for such an uncommon man.” She murmured, her eyes trailing over him before she smiled fully. His heart tripped in his chest – he had been right. It was lovely. “I feel as though I can breathe a bit easier now, Doctor.”

“No small wonder, your bodice was ridiculously tight.” He pointed out, picking up her hand and pulling out his fob watch so he could count her heartbeats. “You also seem to have a slight fever, Lady Song.”

“Yes, I know. My physician has been treating me for it.” The Doctor sighed harshly in annoyance. Physicians and their treatments.

“Blood letting, I suppose?” He snapped and she looked up at him with widened eyes.

“Well yes-”

“Might I give you a piece of advice, Lady Song?” He crouched before her, his fingers still wrapped loosely around her wrist even though he was no longer counting her heartbeats. He was aware, however, of her pulse quickening under his fingertips and he felt the oddest tension in his chest at the sensation.

“Is that not your job, Doctor?” She teased, arching a brow and he found himself suppressing a smile, reducing it to only a twitch in the corner of his mouth as he looked down for a moment.

“I went to university you know, but they wouldn’t graduate me because I was incredibly disagreeable. Refused to adhere to Stahl’s treatments. This is only the opinion of a lowly surgeon, my lady, but blood letting is an unsafe practice, and in fact will make you more ill. It weakens the body.”

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