104(M)1 Mattex

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Chapter 1: The sight of you leaves me weak, there are no words left to speak
Chapter Text
'This is more like it' , Matt thought to himself, grinning from ear to ear as laughter rang out from the crowd. After two events earlier in the week consisting of sitting on the stage alone, it was a nice change to get to join Alex and Freema for a Q&A session. Solo panels were great too, but it was definitely more fun to have other people to work off of, especially seeing as this was his first experience having Alex with him at a convention.

The fans, of course, loved it. Having the Doctor and River Song - and he had gotten the impression that even just having he and Alex, outside of their characters - reunited before them had been a bigger draw than anyone had expected and the crowd showed its enthusiasm. They were about halfway through the allotted time for the panel and most of the questions so far had been aimed towards he and Alex. He was starting to feel a bit bad for Freema, who so far had only screened a few general questions aimed at the group of them, but she seemed content enough to sit back and let he and Alex take the reins, enjoying the drinks the staff brought our for the three of them.

He had to admit they'd probably taken their usual flirty bantering and innuendo just a bit too far on a couple of the questions and he was sure his agent would want to strangle him if he were here, but it was the most fun Matt had had all week. There was only one tiny problem:

He couldn't stop staring at Alex.

This wasn't a new issue by any means. For as long as he'd known her, Alex had captured his full, unwavering attention, drawing his gaze whenever she was in the room. But right now, they were on a stage, in front of countless people, and he was more than a little afraid he was drawing attention to himself. He'd tried to prepare himself for sharing a stage with her, and he'd honestly thought he'd be fine until the day had actually come.

The biggest problem was that she was wearing the same top she had at the last event - the olive green vest with the double zipper in front. It was those zippers that were putting thoughts in his head - thoughts that were very, very non-conducive to holding a conversation or looking like anything but a lovestruck idiot. Thoughts about undoing those damned zippers in order to reach the smooth, golden skin beneath them, possibly, preferably , with his mouth, the little pieces of metal clenched between his teeth, one right after the other, floated pleasantly through his mind - but made it difficult to focus on the panel he was meant to be participating in.

When the audience burst into laughter, Matt was jolted from his thoughts, coming to the quick and safe conclusion that Alex had probably said something filthy. Disappointed that he'd missed it, he plastered a grin onto his face and nodded vaguely to show his amusement.

He forced himself to listen attentively to the next question - asking about how they'd each gotten into acting. Simple enough and Matt mentally readied his standard answer, but Freema took it first and then Alex after her. Which of course, was when he'd gotten sucked back into staring at her, his chin propped up on his palm. He was still listening, but he was allowed to listen and look at the same time, after all. He laughed along with the crowd as she spoke about her love of dressing up and did his best to not imagine her dressed as a barrister or a stewardess or in any number of other, even sexier costumes. It didn't work so well.

He was still trying to banish the thoughts from his head when he realized that it was then his turn to tell his own story. He took a moment to get his bearings back together, but he was hampered when he glanced back at Alex.

It started out completely innocent in his mind. He hadn't had any ulterior motive. He hadn't even stopped to think about it at all - he'd just happened to see her quickly rub her own bare arms as a brief look of uncomfortableness crossed her face. Both were over so quickly he wasn't even sure they'd actually happened. Instead of answering the question posed to him, the words he spoke into the microphone he held in his hand were spoken directly to Alex.

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