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Turkish Delight on a Moonlit Night
Chapter 2
Chapter Text
"Why are we always made to wait for explanations?" Rory grumbled as they walked down the hall of the train, Amy at his side and River and the Doctor ahead of them. River had insisted on getting her gun, despite the Doctor's insistence that it would do no good, and she'd gripped it tightly in her hand as they left her room, despite the fact that she was swaying dangerously on her feet, her colour still far too pale and waxen. The Doctor kept her hand in his, casting constant worried glances in her direction.

"Rory." Amy muttered in a warning tone and Rory waved his hands.

"No seriously. What are Aynaiblis? And do we have a plan? Because we're still just wandering the train and-"

"Rory." The Doctor halted and looked back over his shoulder at his friends. He tried to ignore the fact that River leaned heavily into his side once he stopped. She wasn't anywhere near ready for this, but she'd insisted on leaving. "They're demons. Invisible demons from an alternate reality. The come here through mirrors - they psychically link with a victim, feed on their fears and insecurities until that victim breaks the mirror. And they always break the mirror."

"Right, invisible monsters escaped on to a train. And they what? Kill the victim?" Rory questioned hesitantly, pulling Amy closer to him as he spoke.

"Yes," River answered in a voice heavy with exhaustion. "They stop their hearts, and drain them of all residual psychic energy. It allows them to fully form a link with this world. Then they go... recruit. They influence others to look in mirrors and form links with their waiting comrades."

"Why don't they just kill everyone and break the mirrors themselves?" Amy asked in a confused tone. Rory glared at her and she shrugged. "What? I'm just saying."

"Oddly enough it's sort of a code of conduct with them. They only take the lives of victims they formed the bond with. Has to do with crossing universes - a life in exchange for a life type thing." The Doctor explained hastily. Rory was eying River warily and he shook his head.

"How did she survive it then?"

"I don't know Rory; excellent question to ponder though isn't it?" The Doctor answered, glancing down at the woman at his side. River met his gaze evenly, refusing to look away or back down. "Don't suppose you can explain that one, hmm?"

"Oh I can explain it. But I won't, Doctor, sorry. Spoilers. Sufficed to say, there is a very good reason why I didn't die." Her tone was short and her breathing laboured as she swayed further into the Doctor, who watched her with worry.

"You can't be out here River - we should find a safe place for you and -"

"You are not leaving my sight. I may have survived one attack but I won't survive another. Besides which you are remarkably skilled at getting yourself in situations that could kill you, and I am not letting that happen." She pointed out through gritted teeth and he shrugged mildly.

"Well, it's not like I die, River." He pointed out and she rolled her eyes.

"Well I like this face, so let's keep it yeah?" She grinned weakly and he puffed out his chest with pride.

"I knew it. It's your favourite isn't it? Can't really blame you since-"

"Again, with the flirting. Unless these aynawhatever thingies drop dead at the sight of loads of unresolved sexual tension, it's not helping. We've got to get a move on yeah?" Amy interrupted and the Doctor flushed and glared at her in response. Amy simply arched a brow and shrugged unapologetically.

"Right." He ground out, turning back down the hall and moving forward again, River still pressed into his side. "We need to find the dinner car and take a headcount. Warn the others to stay in groups - less likely to succumb to the urge to look in a mirror if you've got friends with you. Then we need to make a plan. Figure out a way to close the links, and stop the Aynaiblis that have already come through. They won't be happy about that. How do we fight invisible monsters?" He wondered aloud and River sighed beside him.

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