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                  Breaking Him In


The Doctor located River sitting at a gaming table with a pile of probably ill-gotten gains. He crossed the room, speeding up when the man she was sitting with laid a hand on hers and smiled in a rather suggestive manner.

He slipped into the stool next to her and said, a bit louder than required, “Are you winning, Cupcake?”

The hand retreated and the smile disappeared.

River didn't seem to mind. “It's mostly just luck, Sweetie.”

“Who's your friend?”

“This is Mr Bizial, he's the head of some terribly important company whose name escapes me at the moment.” Playing dumb, which meant her new friend was that sort of man and therefore the Doctor didn't have to be very nice to him. That was good to know.

“Hello,” said the Doctor, deliberately not giving the man his full attention. A certain type of person just hated when he did that.

“I didn't realise you weren't alone, Dr Song,” said Mr Bizial, apparently disappointed.

The Doctor decided to go for outright rudeness. “I'm sure you're fabulously wealthy and can have anyone else you set your sights on, don't worry.” He kissed River's shoulder. “I think it's time we went back to our room.”

“But I'm having such a lovely time,” said River. “And I'm not tired.”

“Neither am I.”

River looked at him and smiled. She slipped off her stool gracefully and took his arm as he stood. “In that case...” She nodded at the people round the table, followed the Doctor when he tugged on her arm.

“You do a surprisingly good impression of a jealous husband,” said River when they were out of earshot.

“Did I go too far?”

“If I didn't know better I'd be expecting a spanking.”

“River, you're a grown woman, why would I... oh.” He chased away a few traitorous thoughts and said “I don't do violence.”

“Unlike our friend at the table. He's well-connected to the government and probably responsible for more than a few disappearances among his business rivals.”

“So you were working, then.”

“I spread plenty of rumours, a few of which came back to me as the evening went on.” She slipped her arm from his. “Did you really call me 'Cupcake'?” she asked.

“Isn't that what couples do? Call each other sweet things?”

River shook her head. “It doesn't suit you, don't do it again unless you have to.” They stopped in front of a lift. “Where are we going?”

“Our room,” he said, pressing the call button.

“And there I thought you were making empty promises to scare off another man.”

“Not for that,” he said, leaning in towards her. “We're meeting some of the rebels at sunrise.”


The lift arrived and he followed her into it. River looked up at the camera above the door and nudged him. “Aren't you going to kiss me?”

“For the benefit of the viewers at home?” he asked, confused.

“Because you made it very obvious what you were planning to do and failing to do it might look suspicious.” River drew herself up to her full height. “You have my permission to appear possessive.”

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