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I know our shoes were stitched from songs about highways.

“Oh you are gorgeous, look at you – you sexy thing you!” He slid around the console, running his hands over the surface – the bits and baubles, spinning thingamajigs and wibbly levers. Bells and whistles, the typewriter, the monitor that hung from a bar around the time rotor. And the time rotor. “Just gorgeous.” He murmured again, his hands stroking along the glass console and over the etched Gallifreyan there.

“Have to have a run – but where to? Fancy a trip to the moon, dear?” He giggled with giddy delight as he typed in coordinates.  With a grin he pulled the lever and watched the rotor rise and fall with that blessed comforting sound. He laughed, running to the doors. “Ah the moon – extend the air shell old girl, I’m in a mood for a good bounce...” His words died as he looked out to find himself in a garden.

“A garden? On the moon?!” He frowned over his shoulder before stepping out onto the lush grass and bouncing a bit. He rose higher than he should have and he frowned. “Moon gravity.”

“To be expected on the moon, I’d say.” A low voice spoke from behind him and he twirled on the spot. “Hello, sweetie.” She smiled softly and he felt his hearts hammer in his chest as his throat closed up. River Song. He’d not seen her since – since – he shook his head and looked at her in curiosity.

“River Song.” The oddest expression of relief crossed her face and her smile widened after a moment. “What are you doing on the moon?”

“It’s the university alumni party, sweetie.” She explained, her shoulder lifting slightly.

“You graduated from Luna University? Wait – Luna University is here? Well I’m off by a few hundred years. Thanks, dear.” He tossed this over his shoulder sarcastically and the TARDIS hummed in delight. River laughed along with her and he shot her a look. “Oy. I don’t need it from the pair of you.”

“Lord of time who can never seem to manage his own.” River grinned and lifted the skirt of her red dress, stepping barefoot through the grass until she reached a small bench in the garden. It was painted TARDIS blue, a tiny wrought iron thing that she settled down on gracefully. Seeing her out of the spacesuit was... interesting.  She was a beautiful woman, he’d give her that. At least future him had excellent taste. Or would it be him him? He frowned as that thought coiled within him uneasily.

“I can manage my time perfectly, thank you very much. A Timelord is never late or early he is always-”

“Precisely on time.” River chanted along with him with an amused sparkle in her eye. He fidgeted, tugging at his tweed coat before he moved over to the bench, sitting down next to her, all knees and elbows. “If it helps any, you’ve always been on time when I called.” She observed with a smile and he shifted uneasily. He disliked how she spoke to him, like they were old friends. Or worse, more.

“So, no comment on the new face? The bowtie?” He straightened the bowtie in question and she looked at him in surprise.

“Have you just regenerated?”

“Yes. Well give or take a day or twelve years, depending on who you ask.” He grinned. “And? What do you think? Though I suppose you must be used to it, already. Have you seen very many of my faces, River?” He turned to her, and she smiled softly, reaching a hand up to smooth his bowtie gently. Her eyes softened as they dropped to it and he fidgeted under her fingers.

“You know I can’t tell you that, sweetie.” She whispered the words and turned her gaze to the stars surrounding them. The atrium at Luna University was beautiful, a lush garden surrounded by an air shell that protected its inhabitants from the atmosphere outside. He watched her for a moment, and she closed her eyes. It was only for a second, and then she was turning to him with a teasing smile firmly in place. “The bowtie though, is definitely you.”

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