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            (There's A First Time) For

After a phenomenal snog and an awkward parting, the Doctor had been sure River Song wanted nothing more to do with him however a Christmas card in addition to an address he’d never been privy to before said otherwise.

The house on Luna shines bright and unoccupied to the view of an outsider. From the window there peaks out a warm yellow hue but no figures can be seen from inside. He can hear Christmas music from Earth playing vaguely as the faint tune carries in the air, much like fabricated snow the planet has tried to recreate but just can’t muster enough might to gather itself in more than a dust of imitated flurries here and there.

The Doctor harrumphs at the chill of the air despite the lack of real snow and pulls his tweed tighter against his body.

In truth, he hadn’t expected River’s home to be, well, a home. Nor had he expected to get a Christmas card and an invite. The ghosts of his past usually stuck to a simple course road and the Doctor is ashamed to admit he’d expected River Song’s existence to be entirely different than it was. He’d expected her to reside in the space she occupied only when she occupied it. She’d surpassed all expectation from her first presence and onward, leaving him with little choice but to catch up. (He shouldn’t like that, quite does a bit.)

He sniffs. Gangly legs and arms fidgeting. A part of him wants being going up to that door and knock and turning River’s head about, exactly like she does to him, while the other half of him begs to run back into his Tardis and bounce off from planet to planet until he’s due to have a version of River be the one running into him.

“Should’ve brought Amelia,” he mutters to himself, making up his mind and casting away all of his doubts, marching headfirst towards that emerald colored front door. Once close enough he notes that it could very well match the shade of River’s eyes if only didn’t stay just the one color.

“I was wondering which version of you I’d get this evening,” River purrs when she pulls her front door open. She’s wearing a red dress that cuts off a bit below her knees and has a distinctly modest neckline, it does also cling to her body like a second skin so of course his eyes nearly fall out of their sockets at the sheer sight of her. “It seems I’ve attracted a wandering lamb to my doorstep,” she comments. Her expression seems fond, not at all mocking. He swallows anyway.

“River. I got your message, er, card thing,” he clasps his hands together, “the invitation!”

“Of course,” River steps aside, allowing him entrance into her home and the Doctor, ever giddy to intrude, wastes no time lingering on her doorstep. His eyes hungrily take in every inch of her home that is on display. He sees certain pictures have been taken down and hidden away. That does put damper on his curiosities.

“We might as well get the legalities out of the way here and now,” River sighs, walking over and sinking onto her plush leather couch. It makes that clingy dress of hers tighten around her body gloriously. When he looks back to her face her eyes are alight on his. She’d already been tracking his attentions.

He gulps.

“Where exactly are you, Doctor?” she inquires.

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