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doctor in distress

If River were to attempt to explain exactly how the TARDIS communicated with her, she would fail every time. It was like a voice – but not a voice, more like a sudden thought that wasn’t her own. But it was because she’d just thought it.

That idiot is in trouble.

And something about the thought, the urgency and amusement, mirth and malice-free amusement laced with concern – somehow the combination of all of these things always made River aware of exactly who was thinking these things.

“Oh god, what did he do now?” River grumbled as she pulled herself out of her cot. She’d been so close to a small cat nap – a lovely refresher as she’d just gotten back from a four week dig in Akhaba. A rushed sense of amusement is all River can feel as she pulls on her black trousers, boots, blouse and corset. She rummages through her wardrobe for her utility belt with its bigger on the inside pockets. She packed efficiently – PDA, plasma gun, squareness gun, secondary blaster, a handful of smoke grenades, hallucinogenic lipstick, psychic paper, lock pick kit, diary, knives, string, rope, handcuffs. It was efficient and methodical and borne of a plethora of experience at these sorts of side-trips.

How did he manage to get himself into these scrapes?

She picked up her vortex manipulator and allowed her thoughts to wander as she punched in coordinates. It was a bit odd, but she knew exactly when to go, typing in numbers before hitting the button and disappearing with a sizzle and a pop.

It was night where she arrived, the air warm and balmy as she took stock of her surroundings. She was in a grove of cherry trees, gathered together and branches hung low with fragrant blossoms. She inhaled deeply, a good idea just where and when she was, but she pulled her PDA out and scanned the area – just in case.

“Japan, 855 AD. Tōdai-ji temple in Nara. What on earth are you doing here, my love?” She murmured as she peered at the tiny screen, before she looked up and around.  “Well I’m definitely not appropriately dressed for this,” she sighed as she looked at the large building, looming out of the darkness. The road toward it was well worn, and it stood an impressive height as River eased her way through the dark toward it.

The temple was silent, though she knew that Buddhist monks must be around somewhere, she’d rather not run into any. Attacking non-violent monks was unacceptable, and she didn’t quite think she’d be able to pull off the lipstick either. All that left her was stealth and her psychic paper. Hopefully  the former would serve her well enough that she wouldn’t need the latter. She stuck to the darker shadows as she crept past the two rather menacing statues by the gates, and made her way silently up the stone path to the temple itself.

Once she ascended the shallow stone steps and arrived at the building, she looked up in awe. She knew the stories of course – it was the largest wooden structure ever built on earth – even well into the 23rd century. And after that – well, no one built with wood anymore. She ran a hand over the wooden frame work fondly – the building practically sung with unread history, unspoken stories, untold mysteries. Some places just hummed with it – history. And she loved it – always had – that exciting shiver that slid down her spine and tingled out to the tips of her fingers. Stories made up history, small events that snowballed into big events that catapulted into era changing events – but in the end, everything started with one small story.

She smiled as she melted into the shadows, making her way into the temple as she strained to listen. Though the TARDIS had given her coordinates – she had no idea exactly where the Doctor could possibly be. How could he possibly get in trouble with monks for goodness sakes?

She crept through the foyer, moving into the main hall, and absolutely vast room with tall wooden pillars that arched into the ceiling. At the very back of the room was a dais with an utterly massive statue of Buddha on it. In front of the dais were candles, all lit, and notes and floral offerings. River crept through the empty room to study it.  The Nara Daibutsu.  “So new,” she murmured staring up at the huge metal statue.

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