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Since dark is what brings out your light.

He shook off her unwittingly painful words as he turned to follow behind her. "Alright. So. Calderon Beta, no more interruptions. Stars, River."

"I have to at least change." She pouted, picking up a dress at random from where he'd placed the pile of them.

"Ten minutes!" He reminded her and she laughed brightly.

"Time machine, sweetie. Just give me one second - you can't expect me to go in this." She waved a hand at her tank top and pants and boots and he shrugged.

"You always look lovely." He pointed out and she rolled her eyes.

"More stars in one sky than at any other moment in the history of the universe, Doctor." She recited dutifully and he smiled to himself. She had the memory too - regeneration and respiratory bypass and she was so bright - he wondered how many other Timelord traits she had. "I'll only get to see it once. I'll be quick this time, I promise." She bounced down the stairs and he shook a finger at her.

"You better! I am setting coordinates now, River Song. The clock is ticking." He pulled the lever and watched the monitor as they landed on Calderon Beta, the TARDIS wheezing gently as she landed on the proper date this time. He leaned against the console, dragging a hand over his face as he waited for her.

"So is this how every time I meet you is going to be? Crossing timelines and fantastic voyages?" She walked back up the stairs, having selected a form fitting black dress that fluttered gently around her knees.

"Crossing timelines?! Who said - what - what?! No!" He spluttered, standing up straight and waving his hands as he denied.

"There... were two of you." She spoke in an obvious tone. "I'm pretty sure that counts, without telling me anything."

"Oh. Oh! Right." He breathed out in relief and she shook her head with a small smile.

"So, is it?"

"Is what what?" He frowned and she sighed, shifting her weight forward onto the balls of her feet but remaining where she stood. She swayed toward him, and he found himself comparing the three Rivers he'd seen that night in his mind. This River was... young. Flirty and incorrigible as ever, but there was a lack of sureness to her movements, as if she just didn't know where they stood. The second River had been more forward. More sure of herself and her place in his life, but still volatile. She really should have realized as soon as she walked into the TARDIS that she was the voice she'd heard all those years ago. And the last River - his hearts squeezed painfully at the thought. He couldn't-

"Doctor?" River said with irritation.

His head snapped up and he frowned. He couldn't afford to waste time with her - any time. And he'd been forcibly reminded of that fact tonight. He couldn't help but wonder if the old girl had done it all on purpose. "I'm sorry River, truly. Maybe not the crossing timelines part, but the fantastic part, definitely." He offered her his arm and she smiled up at him as she placed her own small hand hesitantly on his elbow. He felt an ache at her timidity, and he smiled extra wide to make up for it. "Shall we, dear?"

"We shall." Her smile brightened a bit and he led her down the stairs and out the doors with a flourish. The smell of chips assaulted them as soon as they stepped out into the busy street and River's grin widened.

"Now, we have to get a ferry over to the tree and we have-" He checked his watch and jumped slightly. "Oh! Twenty minutes to catch it in. Come on, River." He pulled her along behind him, diving through the street crowds with purpose as she tried to keep up with him. She pulled on his hand and forced him to stop, pausing to lean down and pull off her shoes. She clutched them in one hand and grinned up at him.

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