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“How many hands d’you have?”

Only the two, my River. But when I think you’re hurt, even when you’ve done it to yourself, I can’t bear it and the flailing sets in. And when I’m the one who hurt you, well... I can’t say these things to you, to anyone, never could. Because when I do... if I acknowledge it in words - even to myself... it all goes wrong and there are parallel worlds and memory wipes and... and... planetary core-sized hard drives.

“Two of you... the mind races, does it not?”

Oh yes, the mind races, River. Or it will. Did. Has. No, will.

English isn’t built for this.

But the day we went skating on the Thames? In 1814, with Stevie Wonder? And then I lost Baby Melody at Demon’s Run and found you, my River Song, on that day, that day you told your father that you had met two of me before, on a whole different birthday...

You were older then. I remember that birthday...


“Hi, honey. I’m home,” the Doctor said casually, leaning against the open door of her cell. How had he gotten it open without alerting her? Must’ve turned the brakes off, muted the sonic somehow.

“And what kind of time do you call this?” River demanded, then bounded over to him and launched herself into his arms, throwing hers around his neck.

“I call it your birthday, my River,” he murmured into her hair as his arms automatically tightened around her, “and I’d like to start a birthday tradition. Will you let me take you out for a celebration?”

“Hi, honey, I’m home,” said another Doctor, equally casually, this one lounging against nothing, just outside the cell. River did a double take, then curved her lips in a smile - that smile, the one that made the Doctor’s hearts beat faster.

“Hello, Sweetie... I mean Sweeties,” she said in a low and throaty voice, “What a lovely birthday surprise...” She held one hand out to the other, older-looking Doctor, and he accepted it and moved closer, then kissed her.

It was a long and deep kiss, and the younger Doctor watched with a peculiar mixture of envy and admiration, and then heard in his mind, Don’t worry, it really is me. Us. Tonight when I was you, I told me... oh English is rubbish... The mental voice switched to Gallifreyan and the older Doctor explained to the younger in a single word.

Ah, said the younger’s mental voice in response, and you’re here to... ?

Because she wanted to try it once, two of us at the same time. Remember? ‘The mind races...’ The older Doctor’s mind voice sounded a bit smug.

Not sure that was a declaration of intent. Grumpily.

That’s what I said when I was you. Smugly again. But... this isn’t about us... it’s about River...

The younger Doctor nodded once and moved closer, began nibbling on the back of River’s neck, under the wealth of her hair. “Shall we take this somewhere a bit more private?” he murmured against the soft skin, and she broke the kiss on a gasp.

“Mmm, yes,” she murmured, and let them lead her out of the cell.

“Your TARDIS or mine?” enquired the older Doctor of the younger, and River laughed.

“We’d better do diaries before we decide,” she said, “and decide what I call you. One and Two? But which is which?” She pulled away from both and took her diary out of her bigger-on-the-inside pocket, then gave them a speculative look. “Of course,” she said musingly, “the bow ties.”

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