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Two's Company, Three's a
Christmas Miracle

The Doctor sat tinkering away in his hammock under the Tardis console, occasionally pausing to give her a friendly pat while he worked on his newest repair that would surely do something magnificent once he figured out what it would be. He stopped to assess the crossing of some wires, fingering his bowtie thoughtfully. The Tardis seemed to be trying to tell him something.

She was humming just a little too loudly, almost as though growling at him, and there was a strange pair of voices that couldn't be voices... if he could just change the frequency on this one setting...

"I'm telling you, this is not where you parked."

The Doctor startled, banging his head on the base of the console as he sat up in shock. The voices were, decidedly, not coming from his old girl at all-though now she hissed steam at him in protest of his head banging against her-but it was certainly one he would recognize anywhere.

He jumped up, still rubbing his sore head, and bounded his way up the steps to greet his wife. With a note of apprehension in his mind, he hoped this visit wouldn't begin with the same intense danger River usually brought along with herself.

"I find it highly unlikely, Rivah, that there would be two blue police boxes parked in the same geographical hemisphere of Poughvert this time of year." The Doctor paused in his ascent, straightening his bowtie more forcefully. There was a Scottish man outside his Tardis with his wife and she did not sound the least bit threatened by his presence.

He huffed, moving into view of the door with his arms crossed pointedly in annoyance. It's not that he thought River never spent time in the company of others-he certainly hadn't forgotten Cleopatra after all-but to bring one back to his Tardis? That hardly seemed fair.

Just as he'd finished settling into position, the door swung open, revealing his wife and an older gentleman. The Doctor frowned, was she holding his hand?

"My love, what have you done this time?" River asked with a laugh that made his insides soften just a bit, overcome with excitement to see her. River walked in, heels clicking along the floor as she took in the Tardis interior with a devilish smirk.

The older man grimaced even more than the Doctor thought possible, looking grumpily around the Tardis with an air of disdain. Would it be mean to simply kick River's guest out without greeting?

"Never did like these wall panels," he grumbled.

"Hello, Sweetie," the Doctor called, stepping forward to draw her attention away from the rude man wandering around criticizing his beautiful Tardis.

River's eyes lit up, betraying her giddy excitement even as she slowly sauntered toward him until they were close enough to touch. "Well this is a surprise," she purred, drawing him nearer. He realized, when she hadn't finished off the space between them with a kiss, that she was trying to assess the current rules in his time stream. The Doctor had other ideas, however, and swept an arm around her waist, bending her back in a picturesque style as he planted a kiss of his own upon her lips.

It was decidedly similar to a dog marking his territory in front of another, which River would surely berate him for later, but she had brought the man into his Tardis.

Kissing River was a lot like tasting honey while sipping on bourbon.

"Happy Christmas to me," River purred brightly as he brought her back up for air.

"It's not Christmas," the grumpy-looking man stated unnecessarily.

"It is somewhere, and trust me, Sweetie, there's little else more magical than this." River touched her lips and looked between them with the most curious expression in her eyes-something mischievous was stirring and he wasn't sure he liked it.

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