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"Good bye, Sweetie."

The Doctor looked at her with a glint in his eye. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

Blue galoovian slime covered her from head to toe. It oozed between the cracks of her fingers, plugged up her ears and sent fingers down her cleavage. Trudging through the swamps of the third moon of Delphi had left her covered in the noxious stuff as well as bone weary. River might have been part Time Lord, but she was still human, and sometimes she retreated back to the Stormcage Containment Facility simply to get some rest from the indefatigable Doctor.

Her lips twitched in a smile. "Sorry, love, but I want nothing more than to take a hot shower and fall into bed. You'll have to continue your adventuring alone."

He looked almost pouty under his own coating of slime. River had a brief flash of removing his filthy clothes and soaping him down under steaming water to remove the goo.

She leaned forward and bussed her lips against his. "You could always join me."

He leaned into her for a fraction of a second, but then his eyes went wide and he retreated back towards the TARDIS console. "Ah. Well. I think... Um..." He pointed at something on the console monitor. "I probably need to take care of this before any, you know, showers. Or falling into bed."

River was already sashaying out the doors. She knew him well enough to know he wasn't quite her doctor yet.

"Some other time, then?" He called out after her.

She winked at him over her shoulder.

Her squad of personal guards waited for her return. She glanced at them with a curved smile as she stepped from the cloaked TARDIS, then strode towards the communal showers, leaving them to scramble behind her.

One female guard, her hair buzzed short under her military issue beret, stood sentinel at the communal shower doors. The rest of her squad waited in the corridor outside to give River a semblance of privacy, even though cameras protruded from the white tiled hall like bulbous black eyes. River showered alone. She'd made her stipulation clear to the prison supervisors, and then underscored it by putting hallucinogens in the shower's water supply the next time they'd ignored her stipulation.

She stripped out of her sodden clothes and threw them into a pile on the floor. "You might as well burn those," River said to the guard who kept her eyes stoically ahead.

She chuckled to herself and stepped under the spray of warm water. She let the water soak through her hair and down her back, then she lathered up with the regulation prison soap - the only thing strong enough to get rid of blue goo. Soon she was standing in a puddle of foam and blue water as she washed the day's grime away. The water eased her tense and tired muscles and she lifted her face into the steam, closing her eyes.

River felt the ache of her muscles give way to another, deeper ache. These adventures always left her with the need for release, but this time she'd traveled with a younger Doctor, one who was all furtive kisses and flailing hands, but not much more. It was utterly adorable, but did nothing to relieve the throb between her thighs.

With a sigh, she leaned forward and let the water rain against her back. She could almost imagine his hands on her flesh, cupping her curves and running up and down her back in delicious strokes. He would reach around and caress her breasts, allowing the water to run between his fingers. River mimicked her imaginary Doctor's actions with her own hands. She rubbed and tweaked her nipples, gasping, and slid her hands down to the junction between her thighs.

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