173(G) spacewives

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oh, there's a river that winds on forever (i'm gonna see where it leads)


There’s a book propped up atop her knees and a steaming cup of tea cradled between her palms while the Doctor skim-reads a passage on the science behind paper planes.

Nudging her reading glasses — the thick-rimmed, black pair her tenth incarnation had been besotted with — further up the bridge of her nose, she curses when an alarm springs to life inside her head and tea splashes, hot and unyielding, over the thin material.

“Oh, ta for that,” she chides into the library’s sprawling ceiling, but it doesn’t stop her abandoning the book and mug to half-jog through the corridor to the console room.

Skipping the last three steps so she can skid into place in front of the scanner, the Doctor gives into the adrenaline already surging familiarly through her very bones.

“What have you got for me this time, sexy?”

When the TARDIS grumbles around her, the Doctor agrees with a scrunch of her nose. “Don’t like it much either, anymore. How’s sis ? Queen ? Bro ? Just — we’ll just stick with old girl, shall we?”

The ship’s answering wheeze brings a somewhat bashful smile to the face of its pilot. “Old girl it is. Now, more importantly, what’s the alarm for?”

Springing to the screen, a message captures her attention.

In a bit of a pickle.

Could do with a hand or two.

No, this is not a booty call.

Come quick - RS x

Reaching out to steady herself against the console when she reads and re-reads the initials until they’re seared to the space behind her eyelids, the Doctor’s breathy gasp is loud in the quiet. “River?”

The blade presses sharp and firm to her throat when River swallows, cuffed hands sly in their messaging where they’re restrained behind her.

“Honestly, I really don’t know what the big issue is here.”

“Professor Song, you stole Queen Jerica’s crown jewels—”

“I was borrowing them!”

“ — and threatened to set the lions on her soldiers —”

“It’s not my fault you can’t tame them.”

“ — and then proceeded to cut up her wedding cake and help yourself to a slice before her wedding tomorrow. ”

“I was hungry,” River shrugs, curls bobbing with the motion. “And it was delicious .”

The head of the monarch’s guards bristles, shaking his head and nicking at the skin of her throat in the process. “You are sentenced to death for treason.”

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