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but my body was loose and I was set alight

"You cannot be serious." As soon as the TARDIS doors shut behind all three of them he was stepping in front of her, his hair all askew and a glower on his face.

"And who was I supposed to call if not you, Doctor?" She arched a brow at him and crossed her arms in front of her.

"This isn't just a lark or a picnic, River. Weeping Angels are terrible, dangerous creatures and you put Amy in danger by calling me here!" He flung his arms out and glared at her and she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"I've already programmed the TARDIS with a genetic trace-"

"You can't do that." He interrupted, flying up the stairs and grabbing the monitor to peer at it. "You can't - that's not possible." He stared at the screen incredulously and River lifted her skirt to climb the stairs as well.

"Not impossible, just nearly so." She spoke with a smug grin. "It only activates if we're removed from this time frame, though. And there is an entire human colony on this planet, Doctor. Do they not deserve saving because your companion might get hurt?" The grin has dropped from her face now and she stared at him, so young, the expression he watched her with hurt. And she knew she'd never let anything happen to her mother, but he didn't know that yet. She'd never let harm come to any of his friends, for the simple fact that they were his friends.

"That's not what I said-"

"Well it certainly sounds it. Stay or go, Doctor." She picked her dress up once more ascending to the upper balcony where she glanced back at him. "I'm going to change, and then I'll be out of your hair."

"It's dangerous River," he started and she shook her head.

"Isn't everything dangerous around you?" She spoke sharply and instantly felt terrible as his face fell and he looked away from her. She couldn't seem to bring herself to apologize though, simply walking into the hall and pausing, pressing her back against the wall and trying to breathe. She'd not meant to say that - as if he needed reminding. But he looked at her with distrust and she'd heard him earlier, when she'd exited the TARDIS, telling Amy that 'that woman' wasn't dragging him into anything.

That woman.

She was very nearly a stranger to him now, and she wasn't ready. Oh she'd thought she'd been, but pressure built around her hearts and her eyes stung with tears. She dragged a hand over her face, becoming aware that they were still talking in the console room behind her.

"Aren't you all Mr. Grumpy Face today." Amy was teasing the Doctor, and River paused, smiling at her ever constant demeanour. She'd known Amy forever, but she'd never ever changed. Always bristling with indignation and spunk, and never at a loss for a comeback or quip, much to Rory's dismay. And Rory - he wasn't even with them.

She'd known her mother travelled with the Doctor without her father of course, but it felt... incomplete without him there. She wiped at the tears in her eyes and tuned back in to hear the end of whatever the Doctor was saying, "That's my day. That's what I'm up to. Any questions?" He sounded irritated and tetchy, and anyone else would probably back away, but her mother was never just anyone.

"Is River Song your wife?" River choked at her question, slapping her hands over her mouth.

"Oh god, mother." She whispered to herself, giggling and the TARDIS hummed at her back.

"Cause she's someone from your future - and the way she talks to you, I've never seen anyone do that. It's all like 'heel boy'. She's Mrs. Doctor from the future isn't she?" Amy pestered the Doctor teasingly and River shook her head, amazed at how astute her mother was.

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