Chapters 1-2

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Immersed in my memories for a while, the sign for ELORA made me realize that I had arrived in the Mattews' district. I had to make a great effort not to let a cry of surprise escape. The villas were magnificent, huge, and unreal. I knew that Lily was a lawyer and Mr. Mattew was an architect. From the look of these big houses, they must have belonged to the wealthy class of Los Angeles.

— "The neighborhood is beautiful, " I said, stunned.

— "We are not far from Calabasas."

A big smile appeared again on her face and she added,

— "You will enjoy the view from here, between the sea and the mountains."

The car stopped in front of a gate with large iron bars, covered with roses and other flowers around it. I saw through it a beautiful ivory fountain, and behind it, a one-floor villa on with very modern architecture. Lily parked inside the courtyard, just in front of the entrance to the villa.

— "Leave your luggage in the trunk. Mr. John will come and pick it up."

Butler, that's all!

Posted in front of the glass entrance door, my image was unflattering after twelve hours of flight. My bazaar hair, black, thick, and curly, was contained only by a pair of hair bow ready to explode. My usually tanned complexion was much paler than usual. Fatigue and jet lag had taken their toll on me. Even my green eyes had lost their color. Lily stood by my side, which was when I noticed her tall, slim figure. She moved around on her high heels with ease.

She opened the front door. The first thing I saw was a large staircase on one side with a glass railing. The walls were covered with paneling. Lily took me to the huge, brightly lit living room with its dazzling luxury, and all in marble with a large bay window in the background. I noticed that the lights and windows were fully automated with state-of-the-art technology.

Outside, I could see, amazed, the overflow pool that ran along the terrace fitted with mosaic tiles. That's not possible. I'm still asleep. The television screen seemed to come out of the ceiling. Lily noticed my amazement and left me a little while to observe and discover the place.

— "Victoria! " shouted Lily, " Victoria, come down! We are in the living room."

Considering the size of this villa, I wondered, doubtfully, how her daughter could hear her. However, a few seconds later, quick steps rushed down the stairs. Victoria appeared, sixteen years old, but already very tall, too, just like her mother. Her long, thin hair fell down to her shoulders. She came up to me with a radiating smile.

— "Hello, Zoe. I'm very happy to meet you in person," she said in English. "Sorry, but I don't speak French at all."

She apologized, greeting me with a wave of her hand.

— "This will be an opportunity to learn, my darling," Lily told her daughter in a joking tone.

— "Zoe, are you coming? I'll show you around," Victoria suggested, while taking a complicit look at her mother.

— "I'll call you about dinner. Zoe, don't hesitate to ask if you need anything."

Upstairs, a large corridor gave access to eight huge bedrooms with en suite bathrooms. They all had bay windows, some with ocean views and others with a view of Los Angeles where twilight was already reflected on the city. The decorations, of a classy and refined style, made the rooms spacious and with a system of high technology that was found everywhere. The walls were covered with Venetian plaster.

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