Chapters 3-9

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He stopped at the top of the hills, on the heights of Los Angeles. We weren't far from The Griffith. Faïz got out of his McLaren and sat on its hood. He contemplated the view in order to calm himself. After several seconds, I went out in turn, determined to have a real discussion with him.

— "Faïz, speak to me," I whispered, very close to him, begging.

He turned and looked at me. He seemed so vulnerable all of a sudden... I stopped thinking and even breathing, preferring to contemplate his so perfect features.

— "I can't give you what you want, Zoe. Stay away from me."

His tone had softened. A tortured expression could be seen on his face. It was almost possible to hear my heartbeat at full speed, his words hurt me so. I shook my head slightly and moved closer to him again. He let me do it.

— "You don't know what I want, because even I don't know it. All I know is that I'm always looking for you," I confided to him.

He stared at me, disconcerted. I felt this electricity between us and asked myself if he felt it, too. Then he looked away.

— "I don't share these feelings for you. You're wasting your time."

— "Say it to me while looking into my eyes," I challenged him, frowning.

A step separated me from him and I crossed it. He broke away as if I had burned him and held his head in his hands. He seemed to be consumed by an inner struggle.

— "I don't love myself. How can I love a woman?"

Why did he have such a harsh opinion of himself? I gathered my thoughts.

— "Aren't Victoria and Lily the women in your life? So yes, you are able to love!"

An absolute silence settled. Faïz opened his mouth and closed it again, not knowing what to say.

— "You know what I meant, Zoe. My family is, of course, different."

— "No," I objected, confident.

— "Enough. I'll take you back," he said unpleasantly.

The subject was closed. In a second, he had already settled in the driver's seat and started his car by making it roar to force me to hurry to join him. On the way back, we were silent, when suddenly his phone rang. He did not bother to answer. Deep down, I knew it was Rachelle. Faïz wanted to spare me that moment.


We arrived at the villa faster than I would have liked.

— "Are you staying?" I asked him, full of hope.

He shook his head to answer. I leaned in and kissed his cheek a little too long. Faïz closed his eyes.

— "You didn't say it to my eyes," I whispered, referring to our conversation earlier.

He didn't answer, preferring to look straight ahead to avoid my gaze.

At the door, I turned one last time towards him. I only saw the back of his McLaren as it disappeared into the night.

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