Chapters 9-10

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Dinner ended without conflict. We had been talking all evening about everything and nothing. From the university, Ray, my friends, Paris... But at no time did we exchange a word about The Maestro. Indeed, Faïz made it a point of honor to give me a normal evening. I had managed to make him laugh, which was quite rare for him, I loved hearing that melodious sound so much. We were almost the last to leave the restaurant. The melody of the moment, played on a grand piano by a talented young pianist, had just ended.


When the elevator doors closed, we were alone inside. The few glasses of red wine I had drunk were enough to give me a little more confidence, and I decided to slowly get closer to Faïz. I felt his body stiffen when I put my head on his shoulder. To my great surprise, he let me do it. From then on, no coherent thought crossed my mind. His breathing grazed the hollow of my neck. I could have stayed like that all night, getting drunk on the smell of his cologne, contenting myself with this carnal contact. We arrived on our floor too quickly for my taste, forcing me to detach myself from him. He accompanied me to my door and then gently took my hand before coming close to me. My breath stopped and I remained motionless. My heart was beating wildly in my chest. Maybe he felt it, too.

— "If there is ever any trouble, you call me," he whispered.

— "I think I should be fine," I murmured.

You idiot, can't you see he's handing you a pole? Ask him to stay, or even better, kiss him!

— "Thank you for a wonderful evening," I added.

— "Thank you very much. You made me forget a lot of things tonight."

He seemed so fragile at that moment, revealing to me an aspect I didn't know about him. I pulled away from this contemplation. What was the point? Everything I had been able to do or say before had so far been of no use. I didn't want to risk being put in my place for the umpteenth time.

— "Good night," I said before disappearing, leaving him in the hallway with all my regrets as his only company.

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