Chapters 9-9

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Faïz was waiting for me in the middle of the room, dressed...unlike me. Embarrassed as much as I was by the situation, he instantly turned around.

— "I...I called you several times," he stammered, destabilized.

— "And you thought maybe I was playing hide-and-seek?" I replied, cheeks on fire while going to get back in my suitcase, grabbing slim white pants and a sweater of the same color with a few discreetly added rhinestones on it.

— "I will wait for you outside," he stammered with difficulty.

He disappeared in a second, ashamed, like a child who had been caught red handed. Lucky for me, I wasn't in Eve's outfit. I tried to convince myself that it was as if he had seen me in a bathing suit in order to make this scene a little less scandalous and less embarrassing. I cursed these master keys. Before I went out into the hallway to join him, I looked at myself one last time in my dressing-table mirror. I really liked my little black boots Timberland with laces, it broke the snow-white style of my outfit. I grabbed my jacket and left to join to Faïz, who was waiting for me, leaning against the wall, black pants, black shirt, and dark eyes. I found him, once again, to die for.

— "Glad you're dressed," he said as revenge for the opposite situation that had happened in Elora.

— "Hahaha! You're funny. Can we just forget this whole thing? It's weird enough as it is."

He moved and I followed him clumsily.

— "It has already been done!" he said, abrupt.

His little remark stung me and an unexplained frustration seized me. Was that another hundredth way to politely reject me?


The restaurant, Arabelle, very select with a splendid setting, gave a unique and cozy impression. The smell of jasmine was floating inside. A waiter guided us to our table. As I sat down, he moved my chair back so that I could sit down like a lady. He then handed us our board and left. A background of soft music made this moment relatively intimate.

— "Faïz, I spoke to Asarys on the phone earlier. Are you aware of the fire that is currently ravaging the Pacific coast of LA?" I asked in an anxious voice.

He agreed with a nod of his head.

— "Barthey informed me before we sailed for New York. That's why he called."

— "I see. Why didn't you tell me about it?"

— "I didn't want you to worry about that right now. Look, this trip is your chance to get some fresh air, to finally think of something else. I wanted to take you away from the darkness you've been in for almost six months, even for two days."

I looked into his eyes. A part of me wanted to reassure him about my condition, but finally I decided to move on.

— "What time do we leave tomorrow morning for Trac-World?"

— "Nine o'clock. I have a meeting that's going to last all morning with the HR manager. I'll leave you to the good care of the team you met a bit earlier."

A waitress arrived at our table to take our order. Faïz ordered a bottle of red wine and a plate of appetizers for both of us.

— "One carafe of water, please," I added.

— "All right, what about the main courses?"

— "I will have a salmon tartar," I replied, then gave the floor to Faïz.

— "Caesar salad."

— "Your dishes will arrive in a moment," concluded the blonde woman, with her hair carefully pulled back.

Faïz resumed our conversation without further delay.

— "Do you know what approach you want to work on tomorrow for your article?"

— "To be honest, I thought the new reworking that will devise Trac-Word for its activities and its place on a global scale. What do you think?"

— "I like the idea," he continued thoughtfully. "Will I be allowed to read your article before it is released?"

— "No," I objected, amused, "it's top secret, and besides, I'll be edited before its printing."

— "What do you mean?" asked Faïz, on the reserve.

— "I'm just an intern. Agustin, one of the staff editors, has to assist me on the project."

— "Do you want me to intervene and ask that you be the only one to do it?"

— "No. There's already enough talk behind my back. I admit, the rumors are not pleasant to hear. I'm just a rich kid who had an internship thanks to string-pulling, in their eyes."

— "They're grotesque. It's too bad you won't let me take care of them. And you're not even rich!"

— "It was just an example from the bottom of their minds, and you don't know if I am or not," I protested.

— "Zoe, not really. I always inquire who sets foot into my family."

He offered me a delicious smile. I felt the effects, suspecting that he had done his research on me before he ever knew me. It was at that moment that the waitress reappeared with our appetizer and the red wine that she allowed Faïz to taste first before placing the bottle on the table. The decoration of the dish caught my attention. Although it was simple, it made me want to taste it. I was not disappointed with its quality. It was delicious. That was when tomorrow's reception came to mind unexpectedly. Damn gala! Maybe Faïz could go alone.

— "You know, about tomorrow's gala reception... Why don't you go without me?"

I tried to speak with a detached tone and hoped that he would take the thing as little to heart as possible.

— "Is there a problem? Do you really mind going there?"

The intonation of his voice concealed a great disappointment. Unfortunately for me, Faïz was the type to get to the bottom of things with reasoning. Come on, Zoe, be a little creative and find the most credible excuse.

— "It may be a long day. With Victoria's birthday coming up after that, that's a lot."

Great, that's all you could find of as a damn excuse! It's pathetic, you idiot. I avoided meeting Faïz's gaze, who was observing me intensely, choosing to immerse myself body and soul in my starter. I felt his gaze weighing on me. He suspected that something was bothering me. I liked the parties and dancing, no one could doubt it.

— "We'll see about that tomorrow. I need to be accompanied. It's always better, but, if you don't want to come, I'll always find someone else who'll agree to be my partner."

I almost strangled myself with a piece of lobster when I heard those words. However, I tried hard to adopt the best behavior I could, trying not to show the jealousy that was engulfing me.

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