Chapters 9-6

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Faïz and the current CEO were discussing the figures and statistics for the last quarter. I managed to hear some snippets of their conversation. Oscar expressed concern about new competitors entering the market. Genetic research had never been more of an interest for scientific industry tycoons than it was now.

— "You understand, it's the new black gold for these sharks who don't understand anything about science!"

— "S&C and KFL will merge. That was to be expected. They will certainly work more deeply on the molecules in order to propose targeted therapies and meet an ever-increasing demand."

— "That's likely. Trac-Word must focus on the treatment of rare diseases. Our diversity in the current market would be detrimental."

At that moment, Oscar's assistant came to slow down the conversation on a thorny and complex subject. I had every interest in assimilating the language necessary for the future of this company if I wanted to join the team. When I touched my hot cup of tea, I remembered that the temperature outside was near zero degrees, far from the dramatic heat score currently being achieved in Los Angeles. Faïz and Oscar resumed their discussions even more. While I tried not to let go of the thread of the conversation, someone came knocking again at the door. Two heads appeared. The first was a small man in his early thirties, blond and with a bowl cut. His round glasses literally ate his baby face. I was amazed by his relaxed style, which was none other than low-waist jeans and a hoodie. The second, of the same age, was more enveloped, just as blond and with a short, military-style cut. Both seemed comfortable, as if they were at home, obviously happy to be there.

— "Good afternoon, Mr. Mattew."

The young man with a Playmobil's haircut mimed a small amused bow towards Faïz, followed by his accomplice. Oscar introduced me immediately.

— "Gentlemen, this is Zoe Reyes, whose mission is to write an article on Trac-Word. It will appear in the next issue of So Home News magazine."

Faïz instinctively took the floor by pointing to the two men.

— "You have in front of you Tick and Tock."

— "Hello, I'm Andy," one said, staring at my eyes, undoubtedly impressed by their color.

— "Hello, Miss Reyes. I'm James. Don't listen to Mr. Mattew, he likes to joke," whispered the other to me, making fun of his future CEO.

I raised my eyes to heaven. He likes to joke? Well, come on. It was the first time I had seen Faïz joking with other people. It comforted me to know that he had a social and human side, far from the image of the sociopath he liked to give.

— "Zoe, tomorrow you will be with Andy, James, and Chloe, who will brief you on the company and answer all your questions," Oscar said.

— "Thank you, Mr. He... Uh, Oscar."

He nodded at me, then turned to Faïz again.

— "Did you introduce Chloe to Zoe?"

— "Not yet. Given the late hour, she must have already left. They'll meet tomorrow morning, but Chloe knows about Miss Reyes' visit."

— "Perfect. Oh, yes... I almost forgot, there's an important reception tomorrow night at the Sainte Regis. Your presence is required."

Oscar then addressed me.

— "This also applies to you, Zoe."

— "For God's sake," Faïz grumbled putting one hand behind his neck. "I had completely forgotten about that reception."

— "I am still the CEO for a few months, so I will not accept any excuses for tomorrow's gala."

Despite the time difference and my waking up early that morning, my brain started to work at full speed. Gala meant crowd, meant reception, meant evening dress, meant disaster. I went through my things in my mind and realized that I had absolutely nothing to wear for tomorrow night.

We headed for the exit to take our leave.

— "See you tomorrow, Miss Reyes," James said, shaking my hand.

— "Call me Zoe," I said with a big smile before going out into the hallway.

— "She looks adorable," he whispered to his colleague.

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