Chapters 3-6

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The excitement downstairs was slowly dropping. The city lifted its roadblocks and we could again move wherever we wanted. Ray undertook to drive us back to Elora. Information about these attacks had probably already traveled around the world. I hoped I could find the right words when we got home to reassure my father and grandmother, and prayed that he would not order me to take the first plane back to Paris. During that first week, I felt like I had experienced more than I had in the rest of my life, with a range of different feelings. No longer able to fight against sleep, I fell asleep on the road that brought us at the villa.

Lily was waiting for us outside. When she saw Ray's car entering the yard, she rushed to us. Victoria stepped out of the vehicle first. Lily threw herself at her daughter and held her against her. We could see on her face the immense relief she felt. Then she opened her arms wide to Ray and me to kiss us with warm attention, her eyes full of emotion.


Following this tragic event, several weeks passed and we resumed the course of our lives. A heavy atmosphere had engulfed the whole city, especially since no criminal had been found so far. The Dome itself had slightly changed color, becoming opaquer. We could now see the curves of this veil a little more clearly above our heads.

October was already coming to an end and for almost a month, the city had been preparing for one of the most important traditions of the year: Halloween. The houses proudly displayed decorations, each more frightening than the last. The university was not to be outdone, and joined in to celebrate the event. Only St. Patrick's Church, on the campus, had been spared.

Despite many counter-terrorism tools still in place in the state of California, the festivities had not been canceled, as the security mission had been entrusted to the army. In all public places and on the streets of Los Angeles, heavily armed soldiers had been deployed to deal with other possible threats that could arise at any time.

The Baylor University costume ball would be held at the end of the week. It was customary for final-year men to invite first-year girls to a dance at this evening. The couples would be formed in advance by a draw, which made the so-called experience more exciting. For my part, it was terrifying. The chance of the situation annoyed me to the greatest extent, but I preferred to comply with the rules put in place for decades within the establishment without complaining. As I understood it, we had to come to the ball in disguise with whatever outfit we wanted. The excitement for the last few days was at its height.

I spent a lot of time with Asarys and Lexy, but also David and Victoria. Indeed, the shyness of the latter gave way over the weeks to more confidence. From then on, she put her heart into preparing every morning before leaving for class. The coquetry became a pleasure that she discovered day after day. As soon as I didn't have my nose in studies, I taught her hip-hop, salsa, and other dances in my room. Even the girls had started. Lexy wanted to lose a few pounds while Asarys just wanted to stay in shape and keep a pretty figure. Dancing to Beyonce or Bruno Mars was a radical solution, causing aches and pains the day after the rhythmic sessions. With those three, I still had work to do before they could do a perfect choreography without complaining every two minutes.

As for Faïz, he had been avoiding me as much as ever since that night I'd kissed him on the cheek. I hadn't seen him again, not at the villa, not even in the halls of the university. I hid my discomfort from Victoria, not wanting her behavior to change towards me. Fortunately, the passage of time gave me the impression that I was getting better and better at withstanding the distance he had put between the two of us. I was getting used to his absence, yet he was often in my thoughts. I only wanted him. He was the only person who had awakened feelings in me I didn't recognize. I forgot it was impossible for me. As for Ray, I suspected him of trying to cross me as much as possible on campus. Not for me, but for Asarys. I saw the hope in his eyes every time he spoke a few words to her, followed by a great disappointment when she walked away from him. My friend didn't notice anything, even though I insisted on opening her eyes. Her stunning beauty probably frightened her a little, and the pretenders who rushed to her door did not help things.

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