Chapters 11-3

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All eyes turned to Faïz, sitting at that moment beside Oscar. The applause resumed and Faïz remained unruffled. He seemed humbled and thanked the vice director with a nod.

— "How charming that young man is," Andy's grandmother commented, talking about Faïz.

— "Don't touch, Katy. Zoe is his partner tonight," exclaimed Chloe.

— "I'm just a friend," I said.

— "You have a good catch," Katy whispered in my ear.

I tried not raise my eyes to heaven, noting that Chloe was having a lot of fun deliberately making me uncomfortable. I squinted and I appeared to be angry with her, but I finally burst out laughing, too.

— "You would get along with my three other friends. You are the same," I affirmed, referring to Asarys, Lexy, and David.

I quickly regained my seriousness to focus again on the speech.

— "It is important to add that the links created with all of you over the years are not cold, only cordial. These are links with real deep feelings and expressed with the heart. Our founding father, Mr. Harry Mattew, has always believed in human beings and in the power he had to overcome the difficulties he faced. I can tell you today that he would be proud to see you all wearing the Trac-World colors. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish you all a very good evening."

Everyone stood up, cheering for Mr. Simeon's speech.

— "I'm going to get some dessert sets," Andy decreed as he got up from the table.

— "Thank you," replied Chloe, you are adorable.

The track in the middle was gradually filling up with people of all generations. The evening was already well advanced at Saint Regis. Many guests had finished their meals.

— "Ouch," Chloe tensed.

— "What is going on?" I asked, immediately worried.

— "Don't look back. Mr. Mattew is coming this way!"

Feeling my heart pound in my chest, I suddenly became nervous.

— "You see, he pleases you! Come on, relax. It looks like you forgot to breathe," she mocked.

— "I'm completely relaxed," I lied, cheeks crimson, it just doesn't show.

— "Good evening, ladies. Are you having a good time tonight?"

I could recognize this voice among thousands of others. He was now very close to me, a few centimeters away. So close that I could smell his cologne.

— "Excellent, thank you," replied Katy with bright eyes.

— "I am delighted, Mrs. Braxton," replied Faïz.

— "Katy, please call me Katy."

Suddenly a thunder of applause resounded with screams. It took me a long time to realize that Lady Gaga, a star of a whole generation, was on the stage in the flesh. I couldn't believe my eyes.

— "God, is it really her?" I asked, dazed.

— "Yes!" cried Chloe, excited, applauding with all her might.

Once the calm returned, she announced that she would interpret one of her most beautiful song, "One Million Reasons," on the piano. The song gave me chills every time I listened to it. Faïz's hand presented itself to invite me to dance. Chloe was wriggling in her chair, impatient for me to accept the invitation. It was the second time I took his hand to dance, hoping deep down inside that it would be different from the last time. He pulled me near the enchanting hologram, and I couldn't help but notice that the roles had changed. This time, he was the one who came as close as possible to me, brushing his hands against my bare back. Strangely enough, I felt no discomfort at that moment. I thought of nothing. Nothing mattered anymore, nothing existed anymore. Not even The Maestro, not even the prophecy, not even the Leviathans. At that moment, everyone took their place, where they should be. That was, in the midst of other urban myths and legends, or in the old tales. I just wanted them to let me be Zoe, eighteen years old and carefree. Lady Gaga's voice sang exactly how I felt. The acoustic version was simply fabulous, so penetrating, so true.

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