Chapters 2-4

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All three of us took our seats in the campus cafeteria and began our meal while having a lively discussion. After a few moments, a group of about ten girls entered the room and settled down not far from our table. Surprised by their So Chic style from another era, I stared at their long-flowered skirts and their trousers, which were reminiscent of the hippie period. Some were wearing long braids, while others wore headbands. Their jewelry further accentuated the style. I focused for a moment on these young women.

— "What is that?" I asked my two sidekicks in a low voice, amazed.

Asarys sighed, apparently annoyed by this small group.

— "Even I don't understand," she growled.

— "They look like Mormons from a television series," I insisted.

— "I call them scouts," Lexy added, amused.

At that moment, the woman who seemed to be the group leader turned to us and stared with a scornful look in her steel-blue eyes. Her headband was spilling her blond, smooth hair backwards. She was dressed in a broad, shapeless, pastel-colored lace dress, which did not suit her.

— "Damn it, Lexy, you couldn't have kept your voice down?" whispered Asarys, mad with rage.

— "Oh my God, Barbie is coming towards us!" exclaimed Lexy, excited.

She tried to smother a wild nervous laugh with her hands. Still under the shock of this baroque character, it was impossible for me to take my eyes off her. The young woman came towards us with a step that was both confidant and graceful. Underneath her cheeky hippie looks, her doll's face showed a certain beauty. When she reached us, she looked down at the three of us in silence. I leaned over to my two friends.

— "Do you think she'll sing us a musical?" I whispered.

— "Shut up, you idiots!" said the young woman in front of us.

We were speechless and confused by her words. The atmosphere in the cafeteria had become icy.

— "She's Vulgar the Scout, on top of everything," added Lexy once the shock had passed.

I never thought I'd be put in my place by this kind of character. Shaking my head to get my mind back, I could not contain myself anymore and burst out laughing while protesting,

— "Excuse me, but we don't know each other, and you've come to our table and insulted us. Are you sure things are going well up there?"

— "You are new, and you're passing judgment on people you know nothing about!" she roared in a threatening voice.

This fury is as bad as a cheerleader. Pointing her threatening finger at us, she added,

— "If I were you, I'd stay quietly in my place. We can make the year impossible for you. It will be a real nightmare!"

Her blue eyes were as cold as her voice. We were the spectacle of the cafeteria. No one dared to flinch in front of these young authoritarian women. And to think that I'd wanted a discreet start to the school year. You had to admit that was ruined.

— "When you have finished revising your play with a tragic destiny, can you let us finish our meal?" Asarys asked with great disdain, far from impressed by the threats.

Our angry red opponent squinted. She finally turned on her heels and left as gracefully as she had come. No doubt we had just started a war.

— "Frankly, girls, I would have preferred a musical," I confessed in an annoyed tone, stabbing a little vegetable on my plate with my fork.

— "They're worse than a gang, this group!" Lexy said. "How do we know they don't have an M16 hidden in their petticoats? Under her farm Barbie appearance, she might actually be Chucky the crazy doll!"

Despite the tense situation, that still made us laugh.

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