Chapters 7-9

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Meanwhile, in a disused warehouse near Downtown, a small group of people gathered, chaired by Karl Barthey. About ten men of different generations listened attentively to the words of their interlocutor, who was standing in front of them. Faïz, set back from the group, was leaning against a dilapidated wall that threatened to collapse under his weight. Zorrick and Belize, on the other hand, were standing next to the inspector, tablets in hand, ready to carry out any small order from their superior.

— "The Dome tells us that confrontation is now inevitable. Our government and that of the other countries of this world give us little time to win this war."

— "What will happen if we fail?" asked one of the men in the group with a strong British accent.

He was in his forties, with a neglected biker look. His clothing needed a little makeover, because it looked tired. The inspector looked at him for a moment, searching for the most appropriate answer possible, although none came to him. He then chose to tell the truth.

— "The Dome is programed to destroy California, like an atomic bomb, but with five times the power. All the people of this state will die if the situation gets worse."

A hubbub of protests then invaded the premises, followed a few minutes later by a calm Olympian. Faïz chose this moment to come out of the shadows and question the inspector.

— "Are they so stupid to think they can get rid of The Maestro by blowing up the Dome with all its inhabitants? If this is the case, then the whole of humanity is condemned to disappear!"

He walked towards Barthey, staring at him with his dark eyes.

— "For the time being, this may still be the best solution," the man said.

— "Bullshit!" exclaimed Faïz, "do you think we're in a game of hide-and-seek? We can't capture the devil himself, don't you understand? The Maestro is not a physical person, he is there and everywhere at the same time, like the air. Not all the weapons in the world will be able to stop him or send him back where him came from."

— "I know," the inspector stammered, but...the decision is not mine.

He turned to the small crowd in front of him and added,

— "Delinquency continues to increase day by day. It is increasingly difficult to contain it, even with all of you who are Leviathans and who have agreed to help this city in its darkest hours. The attack in the middle of LA last September was not the work of an unbalanced person, but that of this demon. He enters the weakest minds, feeding on their hatred. Chaos is knocking today at the gates of the City of Angels."

— "Did you find the trail to the tomb?" asked another guy in the middle of the group, just as muscular and tattooed.

The inspector took a look at Faïz, who spoke.

— "No, we combed every square meter of LA and found nothing."

— "We're all going to look for it!" exclaimed a man in the crowd. "We'll get there. We will search every grave on this earth, if necessary."

All approved and applauded to show their motivation. Faïz knew that he was not alone. He could count on these Leviathans gathered before him tonight. The inspector approached him to whisper important information in his ear.

— "Look, I don't know how to tell you, but a riot broke out at Pelican Bay Prison earlier this evening."

Anguish immediately overtook the young man. Pallid, his face drained of blood and his features distorted. For the first time, he felt he no longer had control of the situation.

— "Remy Ogres?" he asked.

— "No, don't worry, he's still in the high-security area, but nine prisoners escaped from block one eleven. Ogres was not one of them."

He let out a sigh of relief and then his heart returned to a more normal rhythm.

— "All right, I'll take care of the prisoners on the run."

Faïz moved away from the inspector and disappeared into the darkness.

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