Chapters 1-7

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During the meal, Charles reappeared. As for Faïz, he had joined us after changing his clothes. It was the first time in twenty-four hours that all the members of this family were reunited, although Faïz stood back a little, very attentive to the news on television. It was reported that a gang member had been arrested for kidnapping and other barbaric acts against several people from another ethnic community. When asked, the chief of police talked about a punching operation. At the end of his interview, he thanked the many journalists and the useful help of "The Black Shadow." I noticed, at that moment, Charles's eyes on his son.

— "I have to go," Faïz said in a disillusioned tone.

— "Darling?" worried his mother.

— "I have to take a few things to my room. I'll come back tomorrow," he said, speaking to her.

After wishing Victoria, Lily, and Charles a good evening, I decided to take a nice shower. Upstairs, passing in front of Faïz's room and without knowing why, I decided to knock on his door. Part of me wanted to see him one last time. Without an answer, I allowed myself to enter without authorization. His intoxicating smell permeated the room. I touched one of his jackets with a hesitant hand. Everything was carefully tidied up, yet my gaze fell on a large, closed badly cardboard folder, which revealed a few papers. The desire to take a look at it was stronger than anything else.

With my heart pounding, I looked around the room and began to consult the documents at hand. They were police reports, with photos. Each one was dated and its location noted. On several of them, there were different groups of men, and the investigation summary was at the very end of the file. A face caught my attention. Impossible. The guy who had just been arrested on television was in one of the photographs. It was the same man. What was the Mattew's son doing with such documents in his possession?

— "Get out of here right now!" exclaimed a furious voice behind me.

Faïz's serious and authoritative tone froze me. I turned around slowly with a look full of questions.

— "I knocked. There was no one there, and—" I tried to defend myself in vain.

He stood up straight, his eyes so dark that I was afraid of him.

— "Get out!" he barked.

I rushed out of the room. As I crossed the threshold of the door, I turned around to face him.

— "Faïz..."

He slammed the door violently without me being able to ask him anything.

Lying in my bed, angry, I asked many questions, trying to understand the information I had seen in his room. Who are you, Faïz? His face, his smile, his look, so difficult to support... I could describe my feelings towards him as a disturbing psychosis. The Mattew family had secrets, I could feel it. By turning around in the bed, I finally managed to find my sleep, the only time I could see and talk to my mother again.

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