Chapters 6-8

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Listening to this speech, I had the impression that he was talking about another person. Indeed, I did not feel imbued with such grace or faith in any way. Quite the contrary.

— "What's to stop The Maestro from killing me, if he's so powerful?"

— "Even dead, the soul remains. That's why he can't kill you. He has to destroy you from the inside. You have to find Gurt and Meriden. They are represented in the Callis as two dogs and are your 'guardian angels.' When we find the tomb and you open it to send Athanasius into the deepest darkness, Gurt and Meriden will go with him to make sure he never escapes."

— "Wait a minute."

I put my hands in front of me to tell him to slow down a little before adding,

— "How do I find these two dogs? And where in the Callis is the tomb's location mentioned?"

— "The world was not made in one day, Zoe. The divine beings, hidden from the eyes of the world so far, will have to help you so that Athanasius loses his greatness. First, he must be weakened by persuading as many people as possible on this Earth to start believing again in what they cannot see or touch. Only in this way can peace be restored. It is Gurt and Meriden who will find you. As for the traveler's tomb, only you can see the passages in the manuscript. You are connected to the Callis. You are one."

— "How can he take my soul?"

— "By convincing you to give it to him. If the hatred comes from you, then he will have won. You will die, taking with you the last breaths of the world, Zoe. There's no room for the unexpected... Well, if..."

William stopped talking, as if he had said too much.

— "What wasn't planned?" I insisted.

He looked away, thoughtful. I watched him, lost, struggling to believe that he was a celestial creature, a Sylph. He had nothing to do with the Elfs I had seen in my books when I was still a child. Of course, William wasn't wearing tights or playing the flute, either... You're getting lost, there!

— "We have been here for a while. Apparently, someone's getting impatient up there. We must leave," he sighed, probably eager to end the meeting.

— "Did you get a message on your phone? I didn't see you consult him," I said, surprised by his words.

William laughed, making his eyes sparkle.

— "No, the network does not pass here. We Sylphs can communicate with each other through thoughts, and my brother makes me understand that your dear Faïz is waiting for his Alma Gemela to return to him."

— " 'Alma Gemela,' " I repeated in a low voice.

The word "soulmate" in Spanish made me smile gently. William stared at me intensely and let a strange feeling of annoyance appear on his face. I passed in front of him to interrupt this strange moment. Faïz was getting impatient. Was he jealous? My heart was whispering to me to hope while my reason was laughing in his face. William caught up with me, his sweet scent floating in the air. Sylphs, Fairies, superheroes, If I had been warned of all this a few months before I arrived in Los Angeles, I would have thought it was a big joke. Unfortunately, The Maestro's face still came back to me. The reality was appalling.

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