Chapters 10-8

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The Range Rover rushed down Fifth Avenue. Inside, Zoe watched the New York night silently through her window. Faïz seemed more nervous, he couldn't help but take a furtive glance at this beautiful young lady sitting next to him. He restrained himself somehow from the desire to get closer to her. Deep down, he knew that Zoe wouldn't push him away. Only, kissing her or even brushing against her frightened him. He couldn't bear the thought of desecrating this sanctuary. He had had many affairs, to tell the truth. The only serious relationship he had known before was Rachelle. At this thought, he closed his eyes and then reopened them. Poor Rachelle. The last memory he had of her was of her suffering. He had literally broken her heart. However, Faïz knew that he only had to say one word to get her back, but he couldn't silence his growing feelings for Zoe. The more he suffocated them, the more they exploded in his chest. He would have preferred that Zoe hated him, and he had done everything to make it happen, but the woman was incapable of feeling the slightest hatred. Anger, certainly, like any human being, but no malice.

— "Where will the reception take place?"

She had turned to him, radiant in that dress. Her soft voice with such a clear intonation brought him out of his gloom. She examined him, trying to guess the reason for the melancholy that possessed him. It was not the dress that was splendid, he thought, admiring it, but just her. She was essential to the dress to make it remarkable. He had gone to choose it for her personally during the lunch break this afternoon, refusing to use the concierge service.

— "At the Sainte Regis Palace. We will arrive in a few minutes," he replied.

He would have liked to take a less dark tone and mood when addressing her, but he felt compelled to do so, hoping to hide the crack widening in him. He had no control over how he felt, only self-control, but for how long? Now, she only had to open her arms so that he would give up fighting against a destiny already written by the heavens.

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