Chapters 5-7

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This corpulent beast of a despicable vision, half dog, half demon, practically made me faint. His red eyes reflected the cruelty of an unnamed barbarity. The sharp fangs of this giant could have devoured me in only a few seconds if it were not held back by two big chains that seemed to weigh tons. I crawled with all my strength away from this monster to escape him, but in vain. The pain in my head prevented me from moving as fast as I would have liked.

Then I heard The Maestro coming closer to me. I turned around to face him. The first thing I saw was his big, imposing boots. The leather creaked with every step he took. That was when he came out of the darkness in turn. Still on the ground, my hands rested on my lips to hide all the disgust I felt when I saw him. The Maestro revealed himself to me.

His skin was a repulsive color. His features were magnified by evil, and his deep wrinkles disfigured him horribly. His rolled-up nostrils reminded me of an animal's snout. His red and yellow bloodshot eyes reflected the banks of the Styx. His unusual morphology added an even more terrifying aspect. There was nothing human about him, only horror. It was then that he gave me a demonic smile that instinctively paralyzed me. The Maestro growled with all his might, victorious, enjoying seeing me like this, discouraged and fragile. He raised his head to look down on the nothingness.

— "Is that what this is? The most heavenly chosen one, whom you sent to redeem humanity?" He begins to scream with all his might. "Nothing more than a mere mortal?!"

I woke up in sweat, paralyzed by my nightmare and by the infernal laughter of the demon that still echoed in my skull.


The fresh water on my face did me a lot of good. My headache gradually subsided. All this had seemed so real to me. I could almost have touched him, his presence had seemed so close. It was three in the morning. The villa was still immersed in calm. I turned off the light in the bathroom and went to bed. A draft brushed against me as I walked through the room lit by the moonlight. I noticed that one of the windows was ajar. I could swear that they'd been closed when I came into my room, and I was certain that I had not opened it.

I hastened to close it when suddenly a noise coming from the dressing room startled me and caught my attention. Should I scream now? I had just come out of a nightmare. I had no desire to relive another one.

At the entrance of my closet, I saw a shape. Someone seemed to be spying on me. I wanted to rush out of my room, but my brain couldn't give the order. A slender figure came forward. I could not tell if it was walking or float. She sat on the edge of my bed. In shock, I still couldn't react. I must have been dreaming again. With surprise, I discovered a young blonde and frail woman. Her crystalline skin had soft features. Her hollow turquoise-blue eyes were empty, frozen, and expressionless. Sitting, dressed in a simple white dress with gold stitching, her hands joined on her lap, she seemed to be staring at the ocean in the distance, completely absorbed in her thoughts. Did she see me?

— "Who are you?" I said in a calm tone, trying to keep my cool.

She didn't bother to turn her head towards me when she answered me.

— "It is so cold now," she confided in an almost inaudible voice.

But damn it, she doesn't want me to bring her a blanket and coffee while she's at it! I lost my way in this bizarre situation. Was I hallucinating? When would all this end? I didn't know what to think or do anymore.

— "Where are you from?" I insisted.

She lowered her head, and a deep sadness could be seen on her face.

— "We are lost," she sighed. "Once, we ruled in the midst of a world of hope, where our mission was to serve the men and women of this Earth."

She paused, as if she sought deep into her memory, while I was still standing in front of her with my arms crossed with a feeling of unease. Then, after a few endless seconds, she resumed.

— "We are trapped here. It is impossible for us to return to the kingdom of Heaven. Most humans have forgotten the myths and legends of yesteryear, as well as the rituals to protect themselves from any existing evil. On the other hand, they still believe in demons, in demonic spirits. They do not realize that they are feeding them by doing so. Few people remember that we existed even before darkness, but we will die in the absence of faith."

She looked away again. I didn't understand what she was explaining to me.

— "What is your name?" I asked.

— "It depends on the country you ask. Nymph, Befana, or Viviane. In your country, in France, I am called the White Lady."

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