Chapters 12-7

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Lily and Charles waved to us affectionately and went away to visit with the other guests of the evening. I resumed my discussion with Faïz, who seemed lost in his thoughts.

— "I am happy to be useful. If the Callis has the answers to all our questions, we may know whether the tomb is really in the desert or not."

— "I agree, but I don't want you to do anymore. Your role is only to read this book. Stay away from the rest!" Faïz said.

I took a sip of my tropical cocktail before answering.

— "I would like to go back to our conversation. Last night in New York, I thought we had gotten closer, and this morning it was as if we had taken another ten steps back. Am I wrong? If you don't want me anymore, tell me once and for all, and I'll renounce you forever."

It was impossible to decipher what he was thinking at that moment. He ran a hand through his hair, obviously nervous. I had taken him by surprise and expected a firm response from him in return. He approached me, so close that I felt his breath on my cheek. My will to embrace him was at that moment stronger than anything.

— "If I asked you to go out with me on Monday night, when I got back from my mission, would you wait two more days and not jump into William's arms before?"

I was flabbergasted, blinking, dazed. Faïz was asking me out on a date, a private date where no one would interfere between us. I swallowed and imagined what it would look like at the end of this one. My eyes sank into his, still a few centimeters from his face. I could almost drown in his eyes.

— "I think I can wait two days." I lowered my eyes, smiling stupidly like a child.

— "I'm glad to hear it. You see, I can be pleasant, Zoe," he said near my ear.

I shook my head vigorously to come to my senses.

— "No last-minute cancellations. No apology you could give me would excuse you."

— "I think I understand your meaning," he said. "I promise."

— "What would you want to do?"

— "I thought I'd take you to dinner in a place I particularly like, and then we could end the evening, or...the night, at my place... Well... I'm not holding you to anything."

He stepped away from me and stood up straight. Just as I was about to answer him, our friends arrived.

— "I hope we're not disturbing you?" asked Asarys, sitting next to me.

She was really pleased, and for good reason. Ray had just arrived.

— "Not in the slightest," I lied.

During the meal, Lexy and David told us about the meeting with Faïz's grandmother. The current passed well between my friends and the rest of the family present for the evening.

— "Zoe, you know what we were talking about with Asarys?" said Lexy. "We'd like to do the choreography you taught us, tonight, to Beyonce's 'Single Ladies.'"

— "No, no, no way!" I objected. "Damn it, have you been drinking or what?"

Both nodded to confirm.

— "Oh, God!" I lamented.

I then drank a sip of champagne that they had brought me.

— "You won't give up, I presume?"

They shook their heads.

— "Come on, Zoe!" Asarys begged me.

— "I warn you, tomorrow I won't console you when you're all over the social networks like two woodcocks. And I want Victoria to dance with us!"

They exclaimed, happy and excited by the upcoming show.

Around the table, the atmosphere had calmed down between Faïz and William, which delighted me. Victoria joined us shortly after. She placed herself next to William, who embraced her with one hand, as protective as possible.

— "So, sis, are you enjoying yourself? Do you like your surprise?" Faïz asked.

— "Yeah, you managed to surprise me. The party is in full swing, and all the people I love are present. So, yes."

Faïz rewarded her with a cheerful smile, full of tenderness. We raised our glasses and toasted the future, believing in it as much as possible. I watched the table. It was the first time we were all together. Lexy told us some anecdotes, each one crazier than the last, while Asarys purred with Ray. Victoria burst out laughing, more fulfilled than ever.

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