Chapters 9-8

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Upon entering, I discovered a room with an immense surface area with a high ceiling. My suite had a living room, a kitchen, a private terrace, and a bedroom with an adjoining bathroom in marble. This included a shower and a large and deep bathtub. The incredibly charming suite housed chandeliers, gold-plated furniture, and a marble dressing table in an old-fashioned style for glamorous comfort. I had a wonderful view of Central Park and all of Manhattan. The city seemed infinite. The soft and muffled lighting accentuated the graceful setting. I took my phone out of my purse again and decided to call Asarys on video call to share it with her. In Los Angeles it was early afternoon. She immediately answered, and to my great surprise, I noticed that she was at the library in a place where she managed to pick up the good network.

— "Oh, my God! You little bitch. You don't deny yourself anything." She cursed softly to avoid being noticed.

— "I am in my suite at the Plaza," I articulated carefully to provoke her.

— "Take me around so I can enjoy it, too."

Without waiting, I began the tour of the place, not forgetting a single corner.

— "Look at that!" I exclaimed. "There's even perfume for our pillows!"

— "When I think that I'm here, working like a slave, in a heat to drop dead, while you're playing Cinderella..." my friend grumbled.

— "There is justice in this world. That's all."

— "What justice?! Did you know that architect Henry Janeway Hardenberg designed that little gem?"

— "Of course not. Why would that interest me? I've never heard of it."

— "An effort, Zoe. A little history wouldn't hurt you," she scolded me. "He was inspired by the castles of the French Renaissance and the Louis XV style. You love Hitchcock. Scenes from North by Northwest were shot there, as well as Bride Wars and Suits."

— "It's totally romantic. I appreciate this place even more now," I said in a low voice, lost in thought.

I pulled myself together without delay and added,

— "Anything new in Los Angeles besides the heat wave?"

— "Haven't you watched the news yet?"

Asarys' worried voice alerted me immediately.

— "No, I haven't had time to sit down since we landed."

On the screen, her expression changed. I felt that something serious had happened. I froze, dreading the rest.

— "A violent fire broke out near Santa Monica, along the Pacific Coast. No one knows how this disaster will develop. Some areas had to be evacuated. It decimates everything in its path and threatens the interior."

Immediately, I thought of Faïz's family.

— "Victoria, Lily, and Charles are safe?" I hastened to ask, a ball in my stomach.

— "Yes, for the moment the interior is not concerned. However, the trip to Sonoma may be canceled. Highways in this direction are completely blocked."

— "I'll call the Mattews tomorrow," I said.

I pinched my lips, not able to stop thinking about The Maestro.

— "Okay, I have to get back to work. I'm in an annex wing where the network is good, but they'll be looking for me soon. Enjoy your meal with your prince, and I want to know everything about your evening."

Asarys threatened me with big eyes and then hung up. I had completely forgotten to tell her about Trac-Word's reception tomorrow night. My eyes laid by chance upon the wall indicating the time, immediately causing me to panic. Damn, Faïz was going to arrive in ten minutes and I was still not ready. Moreover, my morale because of the bad news of the fires had become morose again.

I grabbed the first underwear I found in my suitcase and rushed into the bathroom to get ready as soon as possible. Before entering the shower with its many gadgets, I turned on a playlist on my smartphone and put it on the sink, not far from me. In contact with the hot water flowing over me like a light rain, I forgot the time, which was passing far too quickly. On leaving, the bathroom was filled with steam. My gaze stopped on a pile of immaculate white towels on a shelf. I grabbed one to wipe my hair and another to wrap myself inside. Once my whole body was dry, I put on my underwear and went out quickly to finish dressing in the room.

No, shit! Fuck!

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