Chapters 4-5

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— "Finally! What's with that awful expression this morning?" grinned Lexy when I settled next to her in geopolitics class.

I looked for Asarys. When I found her, I gave her a big smile to make her understand that everything was fine between us.

— "My awakening was more complicated than usual," I said, laughing.

— "You get up to mischief last night?" Lexy asked with a spark of curiosity in her eyes.

— "No!" I sighed, looking irritated. "But there was an interesting conversation with Faïz."

— "Reyes! Terranova!" Mrs. James said. "Maybe you have something to share with us?"

I blushed, shaking my head, uncomfortable. Lexy and I then immersed ourselves in this rather interesting course. The three hours went by quickly, to my great surprise. When the bell rang, everyone rushed outside the classrooms, running to the display board in the lobby, which listed the couples for the Friday ball. On the way, Asarys grabbed me by the arm and the three of us headed in the same direction.

— "Are you all right?" she asked me timidly.

— "Yes."

Well, no, apparently I was created from a stone and I have to help save the world!

— "Everything is fine," I said again, "yesterday I was the one who was too sensitive. You were right, life is too short to feel sad. I understand him even better today."

We arrived in the middle of the gathering rushing about in front of the display.

— "So?" she whispered to me, excited, referring to Faïz.

— "Well..."

— "Zoe!" interrupted Lexy unexpectedly.

Asarys disappeared among the crowd, leaving us far behind, eager to discover her Friday rider.

— "I ran into Victoria this morning," my friend continued. "She was finishing posting couples in the lobby with other high school students. You owe her one now, from what she told me."

— "What do you mean?" I replied, frowning.

Suddenly, Asarys screamed with joy and threw herself at me.

— "You're with Faïz," she cried, strangling me.

— "But it was supposed to be a random draw. How...?"

Under the shock of the news, I did not realize the importance of this opportunity.

— "Victoria must have given a boost to fate, hence her comment this morning," Lexy whispered to me.

A feeling of joy was mixed with a feeling of fear. Millions of questions, although insignificant, jostled about in my head: my outfit? Slow dance? How to behave? Rachelle?

— "And you girls?" I hastened to ask them, impatient.

— "Mine is named Calvin. Oh, I hope he dances like a God," Lexy begged, hands joined.

— "Calm down, miss," said Lucas, who appeared behind us at that moment.

— "But don't worry, baby. I'll leave this Calvin as soon as I can, to join you," Lexy said.

She tenderly surrounded Lucas with her arms. Asarys came back to me, and I noticed her embarrassed look. I could swear she was blushing.

— "Why are you so upset?" I insisted.

— "I'm with Ray," she whispered.

— "Fate does things well for you too." I winked at her.

She shrugged in response. Her tone betrayed the uneasiness of the feelings she felt for him. Baudoin and David joined us shortly afterwards. We decided to eat outside, on campus, to enjoy the sun.

— "I'm just going to wash my hands. You coming with me?" Asarys addressed Lexy and me.

— "I never understood girls' obsession with going to the toilet with each other," said an amused Baudoin.

— "That's right," added Lucas. " Seriously, what the hell is going on? You need help getting undressed or something?"

We laughed some more.

— "We'll let you get over your little joke and meet you outside," Asarys assured them.

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