Chapters 7-3

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Victoria seemed surprised by my question, and couldn't help but stifle a little laugh. She shook her head before answering me.

— "This is the first time I've been asked. Honestly, I think Rachelle came at the right time in my brother's life. Actually, I don't know where he would be today if he hadn't met her. You know, he felt so angry at the time. With his gift, going in the wrong direction would have been fatal for him and many others. Julio knew that you would arrive one day, and he wanted the prophecy to be fulfilled in every way. You are kindred spirits, and for him it can't be any other way."

— "The Callis only guides us, but each of us can change history."

— "Yes, it's true. We all have our own free will," Victoria replied.

Our cocktails and hot dishes arrived at our table. The scallops with a coulis of leeks revived my hunger.

— "So, who is Clarisse?"

I took an amused tone to change the conversation. Victoria's eyes began to shine as her cheeks turned slightly pink. Her smile to her ears spoke volumes.

— "There is no Clarisse."

No! She must be joking!

— "He's a friend of mine, Zoe. Don't look at me like that!"

I leaned my head slightly to the side, just like the inspector in the series Criminal Minds when she questioned the guilty parties. This method seemed to work.

— "Okay, I wish he was more than a friend," she finally confessed.

— "What's his first name?"

— "Jonathan. He's seventeen. We met in literature class. He was there to give advice to our section. Right now we're just getting to know each other."

— "Does anyone else know about this?"

— "Yes, my mother, Nothing official. We don't really know where all this is going to lead us yet."

I took a sip of my fruit cocktail. The dish was simply a delight.

— "Why don't you talk to Faïz about it? Are you afraid of his reaction?"

— "My brother is very protective, as you may have already noticed."

— "Oh, yes," I sighed exaggerating.

Victoria's face suddenly closed and she became very thoughtful. What was she thinking about?

— "Something serious has already happened with Faïz. Is that it?" I guessed.

— "That was a little over a year ago. Remy Ogres, an unbalanced man, harassed me for months. He stalked me, sent dozens of letters, called me all the time. At the time, I didn't tell anyone anything. There were already enough worries in my family, and I honestly thought that all this would calm down on its own. One evening..."

Victoria stopped for a moment. Telling me about this trying event made her relive a difficult episode in her life. On the table, I put my hand on hers as a sign of comfort.

— "That night, I didn't want to go home because I knew there was no one at the villa, only I needed a change of clothes to sleep over at a friend's house. After all, it was a matter of a few minutes. My friend's mother was waiting for me outside in her car while I packed my things. But not everything went as planned. When I opened the door to my room, he was waiting for me there, in the dark, with a butcher's knife in his hand. I ran as fast as I could out of the room to escape him..."

The tears came to her eyes. I was still holding her hand in mine. A ball of anguish was growing in my throat.

— "Victoria, you don't have to tell me the whole story. It's too hard for you."

— "I want you to understand things, Zoe. Faïz came back in time. He had forgotten to pick up important papers at the villa. When he discovered the scene upstairs, he became uncontrollable. God, he would have killed him. My attacker was impossible to identify when the police arrived on the scene because my brother had been so hard on him. The court still sentenced Faïz to a two-year suspended prison sentence while the crazy man was sentenced to fifteen years in prison with a follow-up and probation. That's why he's so protective. I'd rather not panic him right now about my relationship with Jonathan."

— "I understand his attitude better now," I whispered to myself. "And your attacker? Did he explain why he came after you?"

— "Not really. Ogres suffered from acute schizophrenia. He said he obeyed voices in his head. In hindsight, I think it could have been anyone in my place. It's as if all this happened yesterday when I think about it. The details remain in my memory. That smell of sweat, his words, his eyes filled with madness and fury."

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