Chapters 6-4

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— "Are we alone?" I asked Faïz.

— "No, the others are coming."

— "The others? William and Julio?"

A voice behind us interrupted our conversation.

— "How are you guys doing?"

A singing tone resonated in the room. As I turned around, I discovered a young man with a completely bald head, his face smiling, moving towards us. I immediately questioned Faïz with look.

— "Don't be afraid, my pretty. I'm Julio," the man said.

He gently took my hand and kissed it gently. Uncomfortable with this sudden gesture, I removed it timidly.

— "Nice to meet you. I'm Zoe," I stuttered.

Julio gave me a very charming smile.

— "Yes, I recognized you. Actually, we waited for you, like the messiah."

Faïz seemed to get annoyed by his friend's casualness. The two men greeted each other with a short friendly handshake.

— "Relax, Faïz. Why is there so much electricity in you?"

Julio sighed before adding,

— "I wonder how Zoe can stand you."

I immediately cleared my throat to approve of what he had just said. My intervention earned me a stunning glare from Faïz, who preferred to settle down into one of the chairs near the library. Julio then invited me to do the same.

— "Would you like something to drink, Zoe?"

— "Yes, tea, if you have some. Thank you."

He looked at Faïz, who shook his head to indicate that he did not want anything.

— "I'll be right back," Julio said.

As he walked away, I could not help but observe this strange individual with a straight and slender appearance and a certain charisma. As he was about to walk through the door, another young man broke into the room. The two of them exchanged a few words in a whisper and then finally looked at me. The other young man, with slightly long, blond hair, lingered a little longer on me. We looked at each other for a few moments before Julio whispered something else to him, forcing him to take his attention away from me.

— "Who is that?" I asked Faïz.

— "William."

Faïz looked at me strangely, as if he was trying to read my mind at that moment. Unbelieving, I looked away again towards the entrance. It was then that I saw William coming to meet us, wearing a wide smile that radiated his sweet face. Faïz got up to greet him with a fraternal hug before introducing me to him.

— "Zoe, this is William."

Her blue eyes pierced me. Captivated by the brilliance of his entire appearance, I stared at this man who seemed to come from another world.

— "Hello," I whispered.

His hypnotic gaze still on me intimidated me.

— "It's a pleasure to meet you, Zoe."

His handshake was soft and protective. It stayed a little too long in mine, which made me uncomfortable. I pulled it out in a hurry to regain my freedom.

— "Your Alma Gemela is lovely," William said to Faïz in a flattering tone.

Faïz said nothing, but he made a strange face. Adopting an attitude of calm, I saw his jaw contract and his features harden. What could possibly put him in this state?

— "Will, I came with Zoe so she'd understand who she is. With everything she's learned recently, she has a lot of questions."

Faïz sat down in the chair behind him, his face closed. He seemed to be struggling to get the last words out of his mouth as calmly as possible.

— "I'll wait for you here."

— "Well. I'm going to take Zoe downstairs, where the Callis is. Would you like to go after your tea? " William asked me."

— "No, we can go there now," I hastened to answer.

I then turned to Faïz.

— "Are you coming with us?"

Seeing the concern in my eyes, he straightened up from his seat and approached me.

— "William is a very good guide. I trust him completely," he assured me in a sweet voice, "I won't move from here."

His words succeeded in calming me down. William began to leave through the door. I left Faïz behind with regret. When I turned around one last time before leaving the room, he watched me, standing up, as if he were holding back from following me. My emotions collided. He followed me with his eyes until I disappeared with William.

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