Chapters 5-9

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Suddenly, he straightened up and I followed him with my eyes. Faïz moved to an armchair on the other side of the bed. Apparently very tired, he dropped into the seat. I couldn't help but observe it for a moment. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. The top buttons on his white shirt were undone, revealing the nakedness of his chest. I realized that it would be difficult to silence my feelings. As I watched him on the sly, he opened his eyes again, looking worried.

— "Did the Banshee talk to you before she disappeared?"

— "Yes, but I didn't quite understand it. Her words were so messy..."

— "What did she say to you?" he insisted.

— "It's still confusing."

I searched my memory to remind myself of our conversation when I remembered something important.

— "She told me that The Maestro's tomb was under our eyes."

Faïz, puzzled, growled. We stared at each other for a moment.

— "Are you really planning on sleeping in that chair all night? " I asked him.

— "There's a good chance."

— "I can go back to my room, I assure you. If the Banshee appeared to me there, it can just as easily reach me here."

— "No, Zoe, don't be fooled. Some places are inaccessible to them, and this room is one of them. When you wake up, I will take you to the temple of the Seventh Earth, and you will better understand what I am talking about."

— "To the temple of what?"

— "In fact, it's the name given to a mansion not far from here. A place where you will find the answers to most of your questions. Now, please, try to sleep. You must regain your strength," Faïz lectured me in an authoritative tone.

A busy schedule seemed to emerge for that Saturday with him. At that thought, I should have exploded with joy, but on that night full of twists and turns, that was not the case. In addition, I had decided a few hours earlier to turn this page, and I intended to stick to it. He and Rachelle were in a relationship, and it was out of the question that I would interfere with them again.

— "Faïz... If you don't mind, tomorrow I'd rather go to this mansion with Charles or Victoria."

His face froze, apparently surprised by my words.

— "No way!" he objected with a dark look. "That would put you and my family in danger at the same time."

His unpleasant voice and dry tone made me understand that the subject was closed. He put his head on the back of the chair and closed his eyes. Fatigue overwhelmed me. Soothed, I knew that nothing could happen to me near him. Before falling asleep, the last image I saw was that of the door of my room in pieces and Faïz's terrified face. Last night, I had had a glimpse of his superhuman strength. When angry, I wondered what he was capable of...

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