Chapters 8-9

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In the living room, Charles pretended to be immersed in his work as if nothing had happened, while Lily sorted the carafes placed in the large cabinet in the living room. The grin on the corner of her lips left little doubt that my conversation with Faïz had been heard. Dying of shame, I preferred to sneak upstairs.

— "Zoe, Lily told me, we'll eat in half an hour. Can you tell Victoria?"

She gave me a big, insistent smile that seemed to thank me for more than that.

— "Of course, I'll give her the message."

Victoria invited me into her room after I knocked on her door. Hers was a little smaller than mine, and had no view of the sea. I loved the way she decorated it, with different colors on the walls. The scent of her candles further enhanced the warmth of the room. Its large windows were covered with thick light-colored curtains, and next to them was a beautiful library filled with many books. All over the walls were hung large frames displaying landscapes from all over the world, each more magnificent than the last. As I admired them, an inner peace instantly settled in me, forcing me to meditate on them, a true escape for the mind. I sat on the round bed with Victoria to lower the pressure that had accumulated since the beginning of the day. She had such a serene side, and spared me the embarrassing questions that others would not hesitate to ask me.

— "It's almost time to come to the table," I told her, while grabbing one of her many cushions and putting it under my head.

— "Um, I'm just finishing my homework for tomorrow."

— "I could stay here for hours, losing myself in these paintings that reveal the incredible beauty of our Earth," I whispered, my spirit already elsewhere.

— "It's my grandfather's legacy, Harry. For him, it was important that I always had a door open to the world. He said it saved the soul. He was right."

— "He himself took all these landscape shots?"

— "Yes, except this one."

She pointed to an ancient temple with sumptuous architecture, apparently well known to historians. Jal Mahal in Jaipur.

— "I dream of going there," she confided to me with a distant air, it is amazing what human beings are able to build with the strength of their hands. We have created the treasures of this world.

— "I totally agree."

I showed her another painting that caught my eye and then added,

— "I'd like to dive in and explore this sunken city. Look at these magnificent ruins. They seem to hold such great secrets."

A question burned my lips. I knew I could ask Victoria anything.

— "Did you ever feel any bitterness that your grandfather left you paintings while Faïz inherited a multinational company?"

She moved back a little, but did not seem shocked by my question.

— "Not for a single second. Why should I feel bitterness or jealousy? He's my brother. I'm not a businesswoman, I'm a great dreamer who wants peace. My grandfather understood this well, hence this heritage in line with our own personalities."

— "I'm sorry for that inappropriate question. Sometimes, even often, I should think before I speak."

— "No, Zoe. On the contrary, I would have done the same."

Her phone between us vibrated at that moment. I saw Jonathan's name appear on the screen.

— "I'll leave you," I whispered as I got up to leave her alone.

She took the phone, but waited for me to leave before answering. Victoria, in love and in a relationship. I had trouble getting used to the idea, but I couldn't help but be happy for her. Standing in this hallway, I decided to go down so as not to keep the family waiting.

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