Chapters 2-3

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The social science teacher made his entrance. During the class, Lexy briefed me on this year. She told me about the prerequisite courses, the two semesters for the first cycle, but also about the general atmosphere in the seminars. I listened to her while taking notes on our morning course. After three hours in the amphitheater, the bell rang. Immediately the books closed and the voices began to rise again. Asarys got up and joined us to continue questioning me. The three of us headed for the exit while we were talking.

— "What part of LA are you in?"

— "Elora."

They looked at each other at the same time and exclaimed,

— "Oh my God, are you serious?"

— "That is one of the most popular neighborhoods!"added Lexy, excited.

— "I don't always realize my luck," I told them.

— "Lexy, where are you? It's not bad, either," Asarys continued.

— "Yeah, it's nice, too. It's Downtown, Piero Residence. Well, it's not Elora, so be careful!"

— "It's a huge residence with all the services we need. You have no reason to go out anymore, except to go to class," Asarys said.

Before leaving the place, she added,

— "And you don't have a host family. Your parents bought your apartment for the duration of your studies."

Their smiles suddenly froze at the sight of Faïz, who was waiting for me outside. These girls, so relaxed and talkative, became mute in front of his dark, intense eyes. I blushed, surprised that he was there.

— "Everything went well?" he hastened to ask me, staring at me with his piercing eyes.

Breathless, I forced myself to breathe deeply. My new friends, on the other hand, moved slightly away to give us some privacy.

— "Yes, the morning went well," I confided to him.

He looked at my friends with questioning eyes.

— "This is Asarys and Alexia. We're in the same classes," I explained to him.

The girls nodded shyly and courteously.

— "I'll wait for you after school to take you home," Faïz said to me.

— "Uh...By the way, I won't have the two hours of classes at the end of the day today that I'd normally have. So Asarys and Lexy asked me to take a little tour of LA before taking me back to Elora."

Faïz frowned. He put a hand in his hair as if to think, taken aback. He asked me,

— "Are you sure you're gonna be okay? I could take some time to show you the city this weekend if you really want to."

I was torn at the thought of saying no, but deep down, it was clear that it was out of politeness that he was offering to take me.

— "Faïz, I have to fit in here. You encouraged me this morning in the car. I think this is the opportunity," I pointed out to him.

The features of his face softened. He is so beautiful, " I thought at that moment. He nodded, understanding, and walked away, continuing on his way through the university hallway. The girls jumped me.

— "That guy is hot, Zoe! Is he your darling?" asked Lexy.

— "No, he's Faïz, the son of my host family."

My whisper piqued their curiosity.

— "You seem to have him completely under your skin," insinuated Asarys.

We resumed our march towards the cafeteria.

— "I've only known him for two days, and most of the time, he annoys me," I said in an angry tone.

— "You blushed as soon as you saw him, Zoe," Lexy insisted, not convinced by my words before continuing,

— "If I were in your shoes, I'd trap him in a corner of the house and give him a party!"

Asarys looked up to heaven and finally came to my rescue.

— "You're sick, Lexy, and...Zoe may already have someone?"

At that moment, my two friends stared at me with insistence. Thanks, Asarys, it's a lot worse now! I had no desire to tell them that my only love adventure had been in sixth grade, and that it had lasted a week and two days. Really nothing extraordinary.

— "He's the one who has someone!" I said in a dry tone in order to have peace.

Dismayed by my answer, they pretended to be done with Faïz.

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