Chapters 9-7

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Adan was waiting for us downstairs. The night had fallen on the city. I noticed that Times Square had doubled its numbers, despite the unbearable cold. The crossroads attracted many people with its neon lights, restaurants, and shops open day and night. A perfect place for insomniacs. I rushed into the vehicle, followed by Faïz. A few seconds had been enough to refrigerate me. I blew on my hands to warm them up as quickly as possible.

— "To the Plaza Hotel," Faïz said to the driver.

— "Yes, Mr. Mattew"

Faïz then turned to me.

— "How did you find Oscar?"

— "He seems to be a good person, from what I saw today. He was even affectionate with you."

He looked satisfied with my answer.

— "He is a good person indeed. I've known him all my life. He really managed this company with a masterful hand, and as my grandfather wished."

— "Does he know about you and the other Leviathans?"

— "I don't think so. We are very discreet on the subject, even with family friends."

He suddenly changed the subject, as usual.

— "The hotel has very good restaurants. If you don't mind, we'll have dinner there."

— "That's fine with me. I'm starving."

He stared at me, amused. He was once again in a good mood, so I was as well, even if Rachelle's image on the screen of his iPhone remained in a corner of my head.

— "Here is Broadway, a mythical street in the city," he pointed out to me through my window.

My head turned around to discover the place with its world-famous name.

— "It is one of the oldest areas in New York," he added.

The biggest television shows had their headquarters in the area, as well as the big stock exchange companies. People from all over the world went there to realize the American dream. Indeed, everything was possible. It was a totally different world.

We rode along Fifth Avenue. The horns in the heavy traffic drowned out Leon Bridges' voice in "Coming Home," which played over the Range Rover's speakers. After several minutes, we arrived at our destination. My eyes widened at the facade of the hotel, worthy of a real palace. A valet rushed to meet us and welcomed us. As I descended, I noticed a parade of luxury cars stopping or leaving from the prestigious entrance. It was partially covered with greenery and plants that gracefully climbed the walls. Faïz approached very close to me to whisper in a charming voice in my ear,

— "You don't seem too disappointed with the hotel."

— "The outside is... I can't even find a word to describe it."

— "Wait till you see the inside, then."

He passed in front of me to enter this scandalously sumptuous place. Indeed, when I arrived in the hall, I noticed that he had not lied. The place had all the ostentatious signs of wealth. Great chandeliers descended from the ceilings, creating a timeless parenthesis, as if we were in a palace filled with personalities from all over the world. Works of art such as Monet or Picasso were hung on the walls, blending into this luxurious and ancient setting, with the powerful technology of our time. I discreetly took my Samsung out of my bag.

— "What are you doing?" objected Faïz.

— "Pictures for the girls," I whispered.

At the reception, a man immediately appeared before us.

— "We have two reservations in the Mattew name," said Faïz.

The man consulted this information on a computer and then looked up with a very courteous smile.

— "Would you like the Royal Plaza Suite as usual, Mr. Mattew?"

— "No, just two communicating suites, please."

The receptionist validated the request and then put two badges into service.

— "The suites are on the fifteenth floor. The bellboy is leaving your luggage in your rooms. If you need any service, do not hesitate to ask one of our staff. I wish you a pleasant stay in our establishment, Mr. and Mrs. Mattew."

We left for the elevators, a little embarrassed by the young man's a priori, but deep down inside it didn't bother me completely. Faïz had not bothered to correct the misunderstanding. Inside the cabin, the lift operator took us to our floor.


— "Are you going to be all right?" asked Faïz in front of my door without taking his eyes off me.

— "Yes, I think so," I confirmed. I couldn't turn my eyes away from his sublime face.

— "I'll pick you up at nine o'clock."

With an effort, I managed to detach my pupils from his, thus breaking the disturbing atmosphere between us. I looked at my watch, realizing that I only had thirty minutes left.

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