Chapters 3-1

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At the dawn of a new day, my books took up a large place, scattered on my bed. I tried to concentrate as much as I could on my studies, but flashes from the previous day kept coming back to my mind. I passed my hands through my big, tangled black curls, trying to clear my head. Most of my late evening was spent in my room with Victoria, who had joined me shortly after. I had taken the opportunity to call my father, but also my friends by videoconference, forcing me to put on a playful face in order to deceive appearances. Coming out of my thoughts, I suddenly remembered that I had promised Victoria that I would go shopping with her today. She'd asked me, and I was happy to be able to share this moment with her, since she was so shy. I went back to my books, waiting for the Mattew family to wake up.

Under the hot water avalanche of my shower, I saw myself with Faïz again last night, in front of the front door. For a short while, I admit it, I had lost my footing in front of his magnetic gaze before I found the courage to kiss him. My lips had touched his. That carnal contact, almost electric because of its prohibition, had destabilized me. He hadn't pushed me away.

He didn't encourage you, either.

How should I behave with him the next time I saw him? I closed my eyes and decided to enjoy these last few minutes without thinking about it, letting the water eliminate my apprehensions.


— "Do you want to drive, Zoe?" Victoria asked, ready to throw the keys to me in front of the Escalade.

— "If I were you, I wouldn't even think about it if you want to come back in one piece. I leave you this monster," I said, making a disapproving pout.

We had just left for Rodeo Drive when I thought about breakfast with the Mattew family. I'd been disappointed by Faïz's absence. I had noticed Charles' closed face, marked by severity and his absence, while Lily had a forced smile on her face, her features tense. The palpable tension made me guess that there had certainly been a problem a few hours before. As the days passed, the atmosphere was becoming heavier without any explanation. On the way, I decided to take advantage of this time with Victoria to fish for news and get as much information as possible, hoping that she would be more talkative than the rest of her family.

— "Your father and mother looked different this morning. Is there a problem?"

Victoria, surprised by my unexpected question, suddenly looked uncomfortable. Hesitantly, she finally said,

— "We're a complicated family, Zoe. You could've found a better. You have a good life, even if you think otherwise. You just don't realize it yet."

Her little nervous laugh made me think she knew more than she wanted me to believe. She became serious again, apparently consumed by secrets.

— "If I had to give you any advice, it would be to get Faïz out of your head. Believe me, he can only break your heart."

Victoria sincerely wanted to protect me, so I had to take her advice. Damn it! My crush on her brother must be obvious. Taken by surprise, I pretended to be indifferent.

— "Thank you for this warning. I take note of it, but don't worry, I don't intend to fall in love with anyone at the moment."

Victoria did not seem to believe a word I said, and added,

— "He's had a lot of conquests. Wherever he goes, women seek to attract his intention. He has a natural, captivating charm, and has enjoyed it a lot. He met Rachelle at the right time. She's a rich heiress to the chocolate group, "Connor." She changed him, channeled his anger and soothed his tormented mind. I still wonder what would have happened to my brother if she hadn't been there. She is special, I must admit, even unbearable, but I thank Heaven for having put her in his way."

My mind suddenly emptied. I had received a huge slap in the face. I better understood the special bond between the two of them and now realized that Faïz was not for me. The feelings he had for Rachelle could only be sincere.

— "Don't be sad," Victoria gently comforted me.

She looked at me with sincere compassion in the face of my blatant distress.

We finally arrived at Rodeo Drive, leaving the SUV to a valet at the corner of a parking lot. I discovered a perfect row of shops with the most prestigious brands on the planet. The storefronts were redoubling their imagination to display surprisingly designed display cases in the heart of Beverly Hills. Many luxury cars and limousines with tinted windows marched along the modest avenue. I liked to imagine big stars sitting at the back of them. At a traffic light, two Lamborghinis, one next to the other, revved their engines, preparing for a race, all with total indifference toward the passersby around us.

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