Chapters 8-3

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It was already time for lunch. My colleagues got up and picked up their notes and then everyone rushed to the exit. Bonny checked her phone. I looked around the now empty room and decided to take the opportunity to approach her and talk to her.

— "What do you want from me, Reyes?" she asked as unkindly as possible.

She insisted on calling me by my last name, which was very annoying to me, knowing that I was the only one who received this attention.

— "It's about the article in the next issue," I dared timidly.

— "Hmm."

That cowhide didn't even bother to look at me, preferring to tidy up her things.

— "I'd like to do the article on Trac-World."

She turned her head towards me in a split second, incredulous, and then frowned.

— "This is not a playground. Our press review is serious, so please don't bother me for so little. Go back to your copies!"

Dumbfounded by her contempt, an anger that I tried to contain roared within me. I squeezed my jaw to find the strength not to answer her. As I turned on my heels to get out of the room, a little idea came to my mind. I grabbed my phone in my pocket and dialed the number of the Mattews' villa, taking care to slow down so that Bonny could hear my conversation.

— "Mattew Residence," said Miss Arlette.

— "Hi, this is Zoe. Is Faïz Mattew there, please?"

I prayed that the answer would be negative. My goal was only to pronounce this first name in order to arouse my boss's curiosity. I felt her heavy look on my back.

— "Yes, he is here," confirmed Miss Arlette, "I'll put him on."

Fuck! Fuck! He just had to be at the villa today, at this time of day, when he was normally missing most of the time.

— "Is everything all right, Zoe?"

Faïz's serious and anxious tone on the other end made me lose my temper.

— "Yes... I called you to find out...if...Victoria will be there tonight for dinner?"

He paused, probably wondering why I was asking him that kind of question.

— "I don't know, Zoe," he said, sounding annoyed. "I have a lot to do. Call her directly. That would be better."

— "Yeah, you're right, but I haven't been able to get her on the phone since this morning."

— "I'll call her," he concluded before hanging up.

I pretended to be on the phone with that boor again.

— "Thank you Faïz, see you tonight."

My foot was about to cross the threshold of the door when I heard Bonny call me from across the room. A triumphant little smile appeared on my face and then I turned around, looking impassive.

— "Zoa, can you come this way, please?"

— "Zoe," I said.

Her hand stirred in the air.

— "Yeah, well, Zoe, Zoa, it's the same thing."

No, stupid bitch!

— "You have the project!" she said point-blank.

She sat down crossing her legs and staring straight at me.

— "This is the first time in my career that I have left so much responsibility in the hands of a simple intern. I hope I won't regret it later."

I wanted to jump on the spot like a child. My internship finally made sense. Bonny added,

— "However, I would like you to collaborate with Agustin."

My features froze at this announcement. Impossible. Faïz could not bear to talk about his life with a stranger. There was no one more antisocial than him. I was already imagining the surreal scene between the two young men.

— "There's a problem?" asked my boss.

— "Faïz Mattew will never accept to answer questions from a stranger, whatever the interview. He' do you explain it? Easily irritable."

Bonny narrowed her eyes behind her glasses, seeming to think.

— "In this case, he will help you with the proofreading of your article and the layout. I'll talk to him about our agreement after lunch. You can leave, Zoe."

— "Thank you."

As I was about to leave, she called out to me again.

— "Zoe."

— "Yes?"

— "Well done!"

I turned around, satisfied and proud of myself. From then on, the most difficult task remained to convince the interested party, Faïz Mattew, to let me write my first article on his multinational inheritance. I couldn't help but pull a face just by thinking about it. That was when my phone started to vibrate. Damn it! It's Faïz.

I just got off the phone with Victoria. You never tried to reach her. What are you doing?


I'll explain later. I have to see you tonight. It's important.

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