Chapters 12-6

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— "I missed you," he confessed in a low voice.

Uncomfortable in front of this situation, which was taking a U-turn, I opened my mouth, but no word came out. Confused, I had to find the right words so as not to mislead him. William wouldn't make it easy for me.

— "I'm very happy to see you, but I don't think this is a good time to talk, Will."

I lowered my head and hurried to fill the plates without even paying attention to what I was putting on them.

— "You're right, we'll talk about it later."

His gaze, full of promise, destabilized me. I knew it had nothing to do with him being a Sylph. He released sensuality and unparalleled carnal sensitivity through all the pores of his skin. Near him, all my senses were on alert, which was completely different when he wasn't in the same room with me. His physique and charm hypnotized anyone in spite of himself. I pulled myself together to prevent the situation from getting out of hand.

— "I will need the grand piano and also a big screen. Julio told me it wouldn't be a problem."

— "Yes, we've prepared everything for you."

Once our plates were well loaded, we left for a table to settle down.

— "I will call Lexy and the others to join us," I said, putting our dishes on the table.

I rushed, happy to find an excuse not to be alone with William, but he called me before I had time to take three steps.

— "Zoe, sit down for a minute. I need to talk to you about something important."

I complied immediately. By the tone of his voice, I understood that it was serious.

— "Since you're here," he continued, "we think that during the evening you could take the time to look at the Callis. Only you can decipher where Athanasius might be. I wish you could have avoided that for tonight, but we're running out of time. We need you."

William was angry at himself to impose this on me, but I understood the urgency of the situation. We just had to take the lead in case Faïz hit a snag in the Nevada Desert on Monday. I lay my hands on his without thinking, and he took them immediately. His steel gaze disappeared, giving way to softness. At that moment, we heard someone clearing his throat near us. We immediately straightened up as if we had been caught red handed.

— "Hi, Faïz."

William seemed to apologize for the situation. As for Faïz, he tried to keep his self-control in order to remain courteous towards his friend. Then he looked at me with a fierce and insolent gaze. William felt the tension between us.

— "I'll go get your friends. They seem to get along well with the rest of the family," he addressed me in a light and calm tone. "Are you going to be all right?"

Faïz sighed and then repressed a sneer as if to make fun of him. I intervened before William had time to react.

— "It's all right. We are waiting for you here," I reassured him.

He looked Faïz up and down and left, one hand in his pocket, with a determined step. For my part, I intended to have a little talk with Mr. Mattew.

— "It hurts you to be nice?" I exclaimed furiously.

— "Yes. I think that was a little too much for my taste!"

— "No! You've been behaving in a terrible way."

He looked at me intently and drank a sip of champagne.

— "Stop putting it all on me. You were cooing quietly with William, but you're not saying no to my advances, either. Who is plan A and who is plan B, Zoe?"

I didn't recognize him. His words were oozing with wickedness. I walked towards Faïz full of anger, trying not to raise my voice in order not to alert all our neighbors at the tables.

— "When did you make a pass at me? You're the one who throws me away and makes me hope, as you please."

— "So, young ones, is everything all right?"

Lily and Charles interrupted us. I hoped they hadn't heard our discussion. I put on my mask of an enthusiastic girl, wanting to say that everything was fine. Faïz did the same.

— "Everything is perfect, Lily. The service is amazing, and we love it!" I replied.

— "Sorry not to be able to be too present," Charles apologized, "we have to go around to everyone. Politeness demands that we take care of our guests."

— "Zoe? Did William talk to you about the Callis consultation tonight?" Lily asked discreetly.

— "Mom!" growled Faïz, exasperated.

— "Indeed, he told me about it," I agreed. "I'll take a look at it later, after cake."

— "Thank you for taking the time, especially on this special day."

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