Chapters 6-5

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We walked along a long corridor whose walls turned out to be vertiginous. Large burning torches were hung on either side of this narrow passage, giving the impression of being in an old castle. The atmosphere became darker and darker and the oxygen less rich as we went deeper into the mansion.

— "William, have you lived here long?" I said, trying to start a conversation.

In front of me, he stopped. When I arrived at his side, I observed his face more carefully and in detail, despite the darkness that surrounded us. He seemed older than Faïz, with a physique worthy of a Greek statue. His semi-long hair, which fell down his neck, gave him a slightly rebellious look.

— "Yes, my brother and I have always lived here."

His penetrating gaze stared at me for a moment and then he resumed his walk, but this time at my side.

— "You seem surprised to learn that Julio is my brother," he added.

— "It's true. I don't think there's much resemblance between the two of you," I told him.

— "He's my little brother, to tell you the truth. He is twenty-two years old, and I am twenty-five."

— "What about your parents?"

His charming smile disappeared in a second. New features appeared on his face, saying aloud what he felt deep down, drawing a certain sadness, a deep melancholy. I felt stupid and immediately blamed myself for asking him this question.

— "Our parents left us a while ago. They knew Faïz and Victoria's grandfather well. Our two families are very united, facing the same battle we are fighting."

We arrived in front of a large black and thick door, on which were engraved gold scriptures that I tried as best I could to decipher, but in vain. Was this inscription even readable by the common man? I doubted it. William opened the heavy and thick door without difficulty, I followed him inside. The door slammed shut behind us, deaf and noisy, which startled me. Once the beats of my heart had subsided, I began to contemplate this place, my eyes wide open, fascinated by what I discovered. The basement was as sumptuous as the rest of the house. I had the feeling that I was in the middle of an enchanted place. The large gallery had several meters of wine racks at the entrance. The granular gray soil shone under our feet, as if thousands of small diamonds were embedded in it. As for the ceiling, it was covered with flowers and branches that sheltered lanterns of all shapes and sizes.

A sound of varying intensity suddenly reached me, which aroused my curiosity. As I walked a few meters forward, I saw a transparent stream with blue and green reflections crossing the area. I understood that these waters had dug and sculpted this underground gallery. This dynamic watercourse was bordered by large rocks with eroded shapes that were simply magnificent. Pillars rose from the depths of these crystalline waters to support the large vaults with their metamorphosed limestone. William's steps resonated at the other end of this place. I guessed he was waiting for me. When I joined him a little further away, his Olympian calm had not left him. His patience seemed unwavering, unlike that of Faïz.

— "This place is simply magnificent," I whispered, awed by the unique setting that surrounded me.

— "It's a soothing place, I'll give you that. It is here that we, guardians and protectors of history, keep the great holy books, including the Callis."

It was then that I saw in his hands a book as imposing as an encyclopedia. Its very old cover seemed to be damaged by time or by too many manipulations. William placed it in a niche in a corner of the wall in front of us, serving at that moment as a desk, then turned towards me with a serious look.

— "Faïz must have already told you about the evil that threatens this world?"

I nodded.

— "We thought we were done with this slanderous being, the one called The Maestro. Many gave their lives, forty years ago, in this war between the forces of good and evil... But the traveler returned, as he promised, and as it was written."

— "So Harry's wife's sacrifice was useless?"

— "Her sacrifice allowed us to have a few more years, precious years to study the genesis of this myth and also to understand it. Gladys held the stone in her hands at the edge of a cliff when Athanasius was about to take it. She threw herself into the void with it, to keep it from falling into his hands. If The Maestro had taken possession of it, the doors of evil would have opened to the world, leading to the extinction of humanity."

— "Athanasius?" I repeated gently.

— "It is his real name. No one likes to say it out loud, because it is the source of many misfortunes."

I finally knew the name of this demon who had returned from Hell. An uncontrolled shiver ran through my body. Suddenly, his repulsive face came back to me.

— "He came to me," I confided to William.

— "What do you mean?" He worried immediately about what I revealed to him.

He stood in front of me and a flash of distress crossed his eyes. I continued my story, awakening an uneasiness that terrified me.

— "Last night, he appeared to me in my sleep. I would like to tell you that it was just a bad dream, but that voice... That face..."

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