Chapters 6-7

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My arms, crossed at that moment over my chest, fell down to my sides while listening to this announcement. Feeling dizzy, everything rushed through my head. To sum up, there was a portrait of me in an old manuscript, which had been there since long before I was born. So what was real in my life so far? A breath of anguish engulfed everything in me. Disoriented, I put my face in my hands.

— "Okay. Are you human, William?" I asked.

After all, nothing could surprise me anymore.

— "Yes and no."

— "I want to know everything, so tell me!"

— "I am a seraphic creature. In short, I am a Sylph, or more familiarly an Elf, just like Julio."

— "Elf... Like a Fairy?" I tried to understand.

— "Fairies or Sylfides have supernatural powers and protect humans on Earth. We Sylphs are semi-heavenly creatures. It is nature that we protect by transmitting to it our strength, as well as the sacred manuscripts written by man since the first words of humanity."

I shook my head. Could all this really be real? I had too much information to assimilate all at once. I continued to discover, several weeks after the revelation of the Mattews' secret, this parallel world where Sylphs were now added in the midst of Leviathans, legends...and me. How could I be drawn even before I was conceived? Suddenly, a question burned my lips, but I feared the answer.

— "What about me? Am I human?"

William turned towards the Callis and touched the illustration with his hand. To my great surprise, the manuscript did not react to his contact. The portrait remained as it was, without color, without life. I squinted without understanding anything.

— "W...Why doesn't it work with you? You just told me you were an Elf!"

— "A Sylph, " he corrected me."

William, nervous, put a hand through his hair, obviously lost. He didn't know where to start.

— "You were created by our creator himself, the Lord, or God, if you prefer."

— "Yes, like everyone else, if we assume that," I added.

— "Not like everyone else. You, you were created solely for the purpose of saving humanity. You are made of flesh and blood and, of course, you are mortal, but your conception is no coincidence. Gladys, a simple human being, failed to send Athanasius back into darkness, despite the emerald she had in her possession. Her sacrifice was only a time-saver. Only, over the years, The Maestro has provoked wars, great misfortunes, in order to nourish hatred of others in man, rushing into each of the breaches opened. Look around you. The natural balance of this world is gradually diminishing. Corruption of body and mind affects all human beings. They choose to close their eyes and turn to the Devil and alienation. The good is running out of steam while the darkness is growing. Our creator has given you a wonderful legacy, but what do you do with it? Apart from cutting down the trees that feed you with oxygen, poisoning the water that is your first source of life. You invented the word 'religion,' with the sole purpose of creating your 'Holy' wars, when in the end everything comes together. Good, fewer and fewer people believe in it, so it fades away and will eventually disappear one day. The universe or God, no matter what he is called here on earth, materialized the Emerald in a body shaped by himself alone, and it was born in the most beautiful prayers recited by man. You are blessed, Zoe, and have been since you were born. Your soul is therefore purer and more incorruptible than any other on this Earth. God has appointed a man of each religion, with the clearest and most devoted soul to him. Each of them was called to a secret place eighteen years ago."

— "The date of my birth," I guessed as I listened to the story.

— "That's right. On the day of your birth, eighteen mortals gathered in a shelter, on the top of a plain, and each one of them began to pray in his own dialect for your coming into the world. So you have been blessed by the heavens, but more than that. You are the only one who has been blessed, recognized, by each of the religions existing on this Earth, and those in the same voice. You alone represent universal peace between all faiths."

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