Chapters 7-8

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We exchanged a few words together and then I continued my tour of the group, approaching a young brunette woman, who looked rather reserved, also holding a drink in her hand.

— "Hi," I said with a little wave of my hand. "I am Zoe."

— "I am Karine," she introduced herself. "I am a friend of David's."

He appeared next to me at that moment.

— "That's it, the introductions are made?" David declared, satisfied.

— "Yes, I finally met the famous Zoe," Karine exclaimed cheerfully.

— "You see, my dear, you are already known as the white wolf around here," confided my friend to me with a wink.

Unexpectedly, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me a little apart.

— "Who is this young Apollo?" he asked me with a nod towards my guest.

— "He's William, and we're not together. We met today."

He squinted his eyes as if to probe me better before adding,

— "You don't waste any time. Finally, you're hiding your game well. Zoe and her secrets. You will always be a mystery to me." He sighed.

In answer, I slapped him on the shoulder with a friendly slap.

— "He is so cute," he admitted, looking at him from afar from top to bottom.

— "Stay away from him," I warned him jokingly.

There were about fifteen of us listening to pop music around a makeshift fire. Morgan, David's boyfriend, was also present, but Ray was not there. I immediately made the link between him and Faïz and reminded myself of the latter's insistent calls in my absence. Maybe he left me a message? When I slipped a hand into my pocket to take my phone out, I noticed that I didn't have it on me. Damn it, I left it in William's car, I remembered. All in all, it was a a good thing. It allowed me to spend a so-called "normal" evening.

— "Victoria didn't come with you?"

Asarys appeared near me. William, on the other hand, talked with the other boys in the group while often giving me little sneaky glances.

— "No, she wanted to rest for a while. I wish she was here, too."

There was a little moment's silence between the two of us before she resumed the conversation.

— "So?"

She persisted, waiting for me to answer questions she had not even asked yet, but whose content I already knew.

— "Yes, to tell you the truth, I feel good with Will," I finally confided to her in a soft voice.

— "He literally devours you with his gaze," she pointed out to me. "You give the impression that you have known each other forever."

— "I feel the same way. It's crazy."

— "And Faïz?"

— "Still with Rachelle."

— "I suspected so, but do you think William is an option to finally get this man out of your head?"

I raised my shoulders without really knowing how to respond to that.

— "I really want to forget him, Asarys. For the first time, I managed not to think about him, and it feels good. Faïz is the storm, and William is serenity."

Asarys seemed convinced by my words, but did not tell me what she really thought.

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