Chapters 4-4

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Lily broke her silence. She came up to me and laid a hand on my head. Her voice was filled with such emotion.

— "Prophecy tells us that a young woman with hair as dark as night and rare, exceptional eyes will show the way to the sanctuary of darkness. She will be the key, the new emerald."

— "But who is this woman?" I asked, short of breath, fearing the answer.

Lily gave her husband an anxious look before answering me.

— "We didn't immediately understand, Zoe. We didn't look for you, you came to us. That first day at the airport, your look... And when I see all Faïz's efforts to try to keep you as far away from him as possible, it's obvious. He knew it the first second he saw you."

A breath of terror overwhelmed me as I heard these words.

— "Why is he acting like that? What is he afraid of?"

— "He only wants to protect you, to spare you all this," Charles intervened, as my father should have done with my mother.

— "What really happened to your mother?"

Charles hesitated to answer me, looking at Lily. After a few seconds of silence, he resumed.

— "She found the stone that held the power to destroy The Maestro. This emerald of rare beauty had been given to mortals by the creator of the universe himself. It is said that it contains all the praises of each of this world's religions. Prayer is the most powerful weapon against demonic spirits, and has been since the dawn of time. This gemstone had to be placed inside the traveler's tomb in order to eradicate it. But he found my mother before she could do it. To prevent the emerald from falling into his hands, she decided to sacrifice herself by throwing it into McWay Falls. This act weakened The Maestro, and we no longer heard from him. To avoid repeating the same mistakes, the prophecy says that the stone, this emerald, has this time materialized in a human. A woman. You."

Sitting and completely overwhelmed by the story I had just heard, I had the impression that I had discovered the Mattew family a second time. I understood many things now, including Faïz's distant and cold behavior towards me. Lily, who was always standing by my side, leaned towards me.

— "Zoe, prophecies do not always have stated purposes, and can be interpreted in different ways. That's why Charles and I didn't want you to know."

— "Yes, protecting you is our only concern, whatever it costs us," Charles reassured me.

— "I need time to assimilate all this information," I stammered in shock.

— "You're right. It's late. You need to go to rest now. If you have any questions, we'll answer them," Lily said with a worried pout.

She was trying to stifle her anguish with a kind smile. Charles hugged me warmly and asked me not to worry. I rushed into my own room, my heart accelerating again. I sat on my bed and closed my eyes. I felt like I was entering reality. Why had I taken them seriously? I didn't know.

Then the truth came to me. I received it like a slap in the face. Everything had already been written since before I was born, as had the choices I had to make in my short life. My arrival at the side of this family was therefore not a coincidence. Would I be willing to give my life to save others? The answer was obvious to me. I tried to pull myself together by taking a deep breath. I still couldn't believe all that. What would have happened if I had stayed in Paris? Despite all the events of that evening, I collapsed from fatigue and fell into a restless sleep where I hastened to tell my mother everything.

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