Chapters 9-11

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Faïz, now alone, hesitated for a moment to turn back and when he finally decided, he did not find the courage to knock on the door. Finally, after a few seconds of reflection, he decreed that the wisest solution was to go to his own room.

He sat on the edge of his bed, facing the large window. He stared at the sky. No Dome here, which almost made him forget that time was beginning to run out.

— "Give me the strength to give her what she lacks. She is too fragile for the mission you have assigned her," he prayed.

Contrary to appearances, Faïz believed and prayed. He was convinced that faith could be all a man had left when he had no choice but to put a knee down. Once evil had approached so closely, only its opposite could bring people back. His phone rang.

— "I'm here, Julio."

— "Good evening, Faïz. We've made a start on the coded passage of the Callis. We refer to it as Clericalise."

Faïz let out a sigh of relief. All the answers were held in this almost indecipherable book. Julio continued,

— "It is almost certain that three languages are at the origin of this text, Latin, Arabic, and Italian."

— "It's a start. Now we must complete the passages with the ones that are invisible to us."

— "Is Zoe with you?"

Faïz felt Julio's hesitant tone.

— "No, she's in her room."

— "Victoria's birthday celebration will be held at the mansion due to the damage caused by the fire. We will take advantage of the opportunity so that Zoe can unveil to us the passages of the Callis that interest us."

— "All right, let's do it like that."

They hung up. Faïz let himself fall backwards, exhausted, on his bed. Thinking of Zoe, he wondered how long he could resist the urge to kiss and touch her. It was out of the question for him to let her go with William or anyone else again.

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