Chapters 2-1

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I woke up and opened my curtains wide. I will never get used to this sight, I thought, admiring the view of the ocean, which seemed to rise with the sun. After a good shower, I dressed quickly with military lattice pants, open boots, and a tank top. I put my big bracelets on my wrist and decided to hide my long curly hair for a change. I put a scarf around my head as a bandana to contain my big hair. Two small knocks sounded on the door.

— "Hi, Zoe," Victoria said.

She looked at me with a certain admiration. I smiled at her and invited her to come into my room. Maybe she'd like us both to go shopping. We'd have to plan it for a weekend.

It smelled like coffee and hot bread in the living room. Lily got up from the table and came to greet us.

— "Are you girls all right? Ah, Zoe, at this time of day it's better to eat indoors, because it's a little chilly outside. I suggest you put on a little jacket this morning when you go to class."

We sat down around the table and started chatting together. Suddenly, I heard the front door open and Faïz appeared in the room. His utopian beauty bewitched me. I would have liked to remain insensitive to his charms, but it was impossible. He was in a good mood, his anger from the previous day seeming to have disappeared. He greeted me with courtesy. He sat down with us and he grabbed a slice of peanut butter toast.

— "Victoria, how's your chemistry presentation going this week? We can study it tonight if you want." he said.

He looked at his sister protectively and she replied with a cheerful nod. Faïz got up from his chair without saying another word and left the room.

I put on my black leather perfecto before to going the Escalade where Faïz was waiting for us. Victoria sat in the back, leaving me the passenger seat. She took out her books and started to study. On the way, the radio played a series of hits. I was dying to ask him a thousand questions, but with Victoria in the back, it was totally impossible. His fragrance filled the cabin. I smelled it discreetly. The closer we got to university, the more my anguish grew. Everyone had already known each other for a week. I sighed deeply.

— "You will probably see groups already formed, but it shouldn't discourage you. Be friendly and reach out to others. Everything will be fine," Faïz reassured me.

I was troubled. He knew exactly what I was thinking. As the car stopped at a red light, I took a quick look at him.

— "Thank you," I whispered.

After several dozen minutes of silent travel, we arrived in front of Victoria High School.

— "Good day," Victoria said as she got out of the SUV.

— "I'll see you tonight," I replied.

Faïz left immediately.

— "We'll be there in a quarter of an hour," he said.

I noticed that it took us almost twenty minutes to get to Victoria High School from Elora. After a few moments of deathlike silence, I decided to talk to him.

— "You know, about last night. I wanted to apologize."

— "You often walk into people's rooms like that?"

— "No!" I frowned, offended. "Actually, I just wanted to see you, and I'm telling you, I knocked first!"

— "Why?" he grumbled.

— "W...Why?"

— "Why did you want to see me?"

I didn't know what to say to him. My pulse accelerated. I didn't know the answer myself.

— "To say good night," I replied shyly.

Damn it, Zoe, you couldn't have done better! Shamefully, I would have liked to disappear into the back of my seat.

— "Don't ever do that again!" he warned me.

Deep down, I tried to convince myself with conviction that it would be the only time. We finished the journey in silence. Faïz disappeared into his thoughts, his mood dark again.

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