Chapters 6-9

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Like a lion in a cage, Faïz was pacing to calm his impatience. Julio, sitting in an armchair, followed him with his eyes, exasperated by his attitude. It has been a while since his brother had taken Zoe to the bowels of the earth, and Faïz was not good company today.

— "How is Rachelle?" he asked, amused to provoke him.

— "Why this question?" replied the young man on the defensive.

Julio knew that Zoe's soul had to remain as pure as possible, without the slightest animosity. However, he was afraid that Faïz's behavior towards her would make things difficult.

— "Tell them to come up," he finally ordered, consumed by jealousy.

— "They're not finished!"

Faïz's black look would not change anything. He had not intended to give in to this capricious host. Julio had noticed the sudden interest his brother had shown in this young lady as soon as he saw her, and the rumor was that she was a heart to be taken. William, under the spell, had looked at her as if she could be the eighth wonder of the world, and, in a sense, she was. However, his brother loved women, and remained an outstanding seducer in Julio's eyes. Suddenly, a concern grabbed him: what if Zoe hadn't been able to bear to hear the truth, refusing to see the reality of the situation? Worse, if she decided to give up everything and finally listen to Faïz's advice, who wanted her to go back to France?

— "I have things to do!"

Faïz's growl distracted Julio, immersed in his thoughts.

— "Yeah, like finding Rachelle, for example."

— "Remove that silly smile from your face!" he threatened him.

— "It's the first time I've seen you jealous, and it's actually pleasant."

— "I am not!" fumed Faïz. "Stop with this soulmate thing. It's not a prophecy that's going to tell me what to do or who to love."

— "The divine word does not tell you what to do, it just tells you what will happen. And between the fire of darkness and the light of heaven, the love that this Colossus will bear for the Goddess of the dawn will deliver the people who have denied my name."

Faïz preferred not to add anything to these words. He looked towards the entrance to the room, watching for Zoe's arrival. Julio decided to contact his brother and ask him to come back.


"Is there a problem?"

"Faïz asks to see Zoe."

"Why? He's acting like a jerk to her."

"This woman is not for you, so don't start having fun with her!"

"I'm not having fun. She's far too sacred for that, different."

"Come! We are waiting for you."

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